New Audiologist: Trialing the Oticon Xceed + CROS Hearing Aid

Thanks to my new (and amazing) audiologist, I am trialing a new Oticon Xceed 1 hearing aid and CROS Unit. She disagrees with my existing audiologist and will be doing real ear verification as soon as my new hearing aid, CROS, and ear mold come in. In the mean time, I have a demo unit that I am using during the trial, programmed to my loss and adjusted in an initial fitting, and will be returning when my new units arrive.

I am excited about what I am hearing so far. My experience has thus far has matched many reviews I have read about Oticon vs. Phonak: sound is definitely more natural with Oticon when compared to Phonak. Music is phenomenal.

Not only that - but I am getting a new ear mold that is similar to, if not exactly, what I used to wear before 2019, when I started having to go to my ENT every 3 weeks instead of every 6 months. Also, as soon as Westone was mentioned, a light bulb went off in my head. I used to use Westone ear molds. Not these new ear molds that mysteriously changed in 2019. (and nobody could explain or didn’t want to explain why I was going to my ENT many more times than I should be for an ear cleaning).

She also explained why my right ear canal was deformed - apparently I have a smaller ear drum than most others. Where she expected ear drum to be, there was canal wall. First time in my 44 years that anyone had ever explained that or told me that.

With her expertise, I am thrilled. I think I am finally rounding a corner to solving all of my recent problems once and for all.

I am looking forward to what my new audiologist and I can accomplish together.


I have both Phonak and Oticon. I don’t use CROS.

Oticon sound is really good with my Xceed 1 UP but have started using Phonak again as using Roger (I know you don’t use the Roger system) with Oticon makes the Xceed a none Bluetooth hearing aid.

Couldn’t have this so unfortunately had to start using Phonak again.

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@Zebras - But isn’t the Oticon Xceed a Bluetooth hearing aid though? It uses low energy Bluetooth and connects to my iPhone flawlessly for effortless streaming to the iPhone without the aid of Roger-like devices. My new audiologist spent a significant amount of time going over the bluetooth connectivity with my iPhone and showed me how to connect with it. Looking forward to my connect clip to connect to my Mac studio.

Maybe I’m missing an aspect of the Bluetooth functionality that you need, though…

Maybe your new audiologist will take care of ear cleaning. Mine does.

Maybe in time. My ENT uses the vacuum method that I’m used to (other methods hurt my ears). I’ll address this topic with my new audiologist soon.

Putting a receiver on the Xceed disables the bluetooth, is my understanding. Hope this helps.


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Yes as soon as you attach the audio shoe, you don’t even have to attach the Roger or even have it on, it disables the Bluetooth.

Apparently not enough power to run both Altho Phonak have managed it.

It means that you have to take off the Roger receivers as soon as you finish using the Roger otherwise Bluetooth won’t work full stop.

It means the Roger receivers have more chance of getting lost because of it.

For anyone not using the Roger, Oticon is great. I’ll be using my Xceed if I didn’t use the Roger system.


Thank you for clarifying, @Zebras. I can see where that would be an issue.

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I just had to comment on the quality of these Oticon Xceed 1 hearing aid + CROS. The wind block actually freaking works!!! Today during the aftermath of the storm (when it’s no longer raining and sunny & cloudy outside), there is wind. The wind is actually turned down while voices are clear.

Exactly how it’s supposed to work. My old Phonaks did nothing like this. In fact I still heard most of the wind and voices sucked.

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Just FYI…for those trying to push me to CI…my new audiologist said my word recognition without hearing aids during the hearing test was way too good for CI. Over 75%.

So, just saying. This was all addressed.

I know its an expensive options, but couldn’t you plug the Roger X into the edumic and run it through that instead? I suppose then you’d have to turn on two devices all the time and maybe that would end up being just as annoying as constantly taking off the boot.

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I don’t understand why Phonak cannot make hearing aids that process sound correctly. For example, today while at Costco for my weekly Costco trip, the register ding that happens every time you process a transaction sounded…normal.

On every Phonak digital hearing aid I’ve ever gotten the register beep and other beeps have always been annoying loud.

I could also understand conversation more clearly in noise with Oticon. I can’t explain it. It’s just that much easier than with my Phonaks.

Oticon: +4 (at least) thus far. Phonak: -5 and counting.


I thought about that idea but what I hated about having to wear a Streamer before Bluetooth HAs came about, was making sure it was charged and didn’t run out of batteries.

I find it hard enough, making sure my Roger Mic has enough battery to not run out.

Sometimes I can be connected to Roger for 10 hours a day as well.



I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that, @Zebras . At least there is a workable solution. Hopefully Oticon can bring about an improvement in what you’re looking for with their next model generations.

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Phonak has major problems. For example, when ordering food at the local drive-thru, the loud speaker is a garbled mess and I can barely understand whoever is speaking. This was the case with every single one of my Phonaks.

With Oticon, they come through loud and clear, but clear where I can understand them perfectly without issue.

Absolutely brilliant stuff that I am hearing with these Oticon hearing aids.


I’ve just joined the forum and saw your threads about the difficulties you’ve had with Phonak, quite sad they dropped the ball for folks that need UP HAs and CORs. Maybe they will fix that gap in time but it seems it was just as well if the Oticons are working this well for you!

Oddly enough I’m in the process of switching from really old Oticons (Chili Sp9s) which I never liked much back to Phonak which I loved when I was younger but hated in the last iteration of Nadia’s (hence the Oticon), I’m pretty happy with my current Phonak experience and it’s a massive upgrade from my last HAs but it definitely still has issues. I’ll probably go with Phonak for now but reading about your experience is encouraging me to try the Oticons again next time I upgrade.


@Heather_R - Welcome to the forums!!

It’s all about what helps you hear best! I just couldn’t believe the comparison in terms of the issues I experienced on my side with Phonak that were only apparent when I finally made the switch to Oticon.

Oddly enough, it also always seemed that every subsequent generation of Phonaks I upgraded to sounded even quieter than the last.

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Seriously - the quietness of the digital Phonaks is crazy, I noticed this when I tried my first full digitals in my 20’s and every time since which is why I haven’t had Phonaks since they had analog options until now. I do think the newer platforms have fixed this somewhat which is why I’m even going with Phonak at all. Turning the environmental sound suppression way down helped a lot but I still start the day bumping up the volume. I think my fitter (not an audiologist - I am in between at the moment) is a bit out of his depth with me but he’s trying. Though to be fair my last audiologist couldn’t figure it out either and this fitter has actually gotten me to a better place than the audiologist did :smile:

From a pure sound perspective I really liked the Resound Enzo Q but it has issues handling the higher frequencies (it’s like an ice pick in the ear - a big problem when you have a dog with a high pitched bark) and it cannot do true hands free Bluetooth for phone which I really really want for work (software engineer with too many meetings).

Your description of the new Oticons sounds like exactly what I want apart from the same Bluetooth limitations the Resounds have. I’ll be doing some more research for sure.

@Heather_R - From my experience, using the options in accessibility options in iPhone (tap the power button three times fast) provides direct bluetooth functionality with the XCeeds. I did not have any limitations. My audiologist was thorough and showed me how to activate the bluetooth connection seamlessly. Amazing.

The only limitation I have is that the Connect clip is required to connect to my Mac Studio. No big deal. I just ended up buying it with my hearing aid purchase.

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