New setup. New practioner! “Hearing Well Matters!”
My old audiologist provided the hearing aids 2 years ago. After many tries he suggested I go to someone who could help me better. I did. We parted friendly.
New practioner/2 year old hearing aids.
Ontario Workman’s Compensation claim due to exposure to loud noise at work. Qualified over 10 years ago; worn HA’s for over 20 years.
took previous audi’s audiogram
did quick setup
Wife said: Night and Day difference! What took you so long?
I have 2 reports from this new audiologist. User’s. Professional.
Calm situation
Speech in noise
Speech in loud noise
Speech in car
Comfort in noise
Comfort in echo
Media speech + mic
Media music + mic
ParnerMic = mic
Phone call + mic
RogerDirect + mic
He did not set up my Phonak TV streamer; doesn’t work.
Fitting forumla: Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0
Gain level of “All programs” 100%
Occlusion compensation OFF
Compression Prescribed compression
AutoSense OS options
Program transition speed Balanced
Speech in loud noise Activate at Loud noise (10)
“Motion sensor hearing” Wide
I’m happy I have the hearing aids. My old audiologist worked hard. It’s a miracle they were provided. I have government claim for hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise at work. Ontario, Canada.
I’m very happy the new Practitioner is so skilled! My hearing aids are working so much better! (I have two old sets of Phonaks; I need to get their setup changed so I have backup hearing aids.
However, I question the accuracy of the audiogram. And this was a quick hearing aid setup. REM was not used.
Little voice on the shoulder says: “Don’t fix what ain’t broke”
My next appointment (workman’s comp) 6 months with the new practitioner. I’m so grateful he took me on as a client.
I am so grateful I can hear!
voice in quiet environments
voice in noisy environments (11 LOUD people yesterday at a birthday dinner and I HEARD THEM!
I did question this also (to myself) and when it was time to do the initial (REM included) and second tweaking we worked as a team to get the levels to my satisfaction regardless of the ‘‘official’’ data. This was the second set of HA’s, since the first ones (Resound) did not meet my exceptions and were VERRRY loud (programming issues), this time around even if my audio-gram shows profound loss, I think it’s not quite that low, but then, if I take these off, the world become very very still, except for the constant tinnitus. LOL
First off: WOOooOoOoOoOOO!!! Way to go! You got lucky. So glad you found a new - and let’s hope - more competent audiologist who takes the time to get to know you, and how you want to hear your world.
But. The TV Streamer? (aka Phonak TV Connector V2 is the latest one out MANY years ago). This is child’s play! You can do this! Do you have the TV Connector? What’s the issue? It comes with all the cables you need to plug it into the TV and get going.
Then, all it takes is a bit of patience to do the following:
Sit close to the device and take your aids OUT. Turn them OFF.
Turn the TV Connector OFF (even better, just unplug the power cord for a second).
Now plug in the TV Connector, turn it on, and press the button till the green light starts blinking BLUE.
Now turn your aids back on and hold them right next to the TV Streamer till the BLUE light stops blinking. THIS MAY TAKE 2-3 MINUTES!
Play some TV, you should be paired + connected and the audio streaming into your aids.
Give this a try and let us know if you can set your TV streamer up y’self!
My first fitting with naida paradise p30 ups was not good. I couldnt understand people. So I went to the same audiologist after a few weeks and she changed some settings and it was better but I had feedback issues. After the third adjustment, I am fairly happy. I suspect she changed soundrecover and some settings but I’m not sure.
In the first fitting I could hear people but couldnt understand them and voices were a bit like tremble .
edit: I had at least 10 appointments with my audilogist-that-quit in that time. At his request, I would send him a journal of my hearing issues in advance so we could address them.
My audiologist that quit somehow tested me as the hearing had improved. First time in my life! Now my hearing aids are set up for that. Bet I could hear better if the quick fit was based on a better audiogram.
That is a VERY GOOD thing! I’ve never gone to any doctor or audi without a “handout” to share with the good doc. It starts with the clinic’s address & phone number, date/time of app’t, then a header: ISSUES - which I spell out. Followed by ACTION ITEMS - and also a bulleted list of what I hope to have done in this visit.
All that said … (and here I have to groan at my own negligence) I sometimes forget to READ that document before leaving home. So I’ll forget to bring something with me (test result, accessory, etc.). But I just accept that I’m further along the path to getting things fixed. My previous audi always joked about bringing in my file of “handouts” in a wheelbarrow after 15 yrs of being with him.
What BOGGLES my mind is that these audis and hearing clinics sell us the aids AND the accesories, but never have the items needed to TEST them out. E.g., why not have an actual TV in the doc’s office to SHOW patients how to plug in the cables, pair + connect aids to a TV streamer? Or get their aids paired + connected to the cell phone, and then have the patient make a call? Or how 'bout set up “Acoustic Ear” which I find very useful for making calls on unpaired phones, just to make sure the patient can cycle through programs and actually USE them?
I realize that there are myriad makes/models, accesories, iPhone, Android phones, but in order to optimize our investment in aids, the TOTAL SOLUTION needs to be put together and worked through with the patient.
Hi Dave, go back and back it up one, then attempt to adjust it again, fine tuning is the most difficult part, especially if you’re in a closed office environment as is the case for my Audi, so it take a few more tries, I have to go trough the same issues here to.
I have a visit scheduled for Thursday. He’s very knowledgable. His first setup worked better; he has it on his computer.
We’ll see what else he recommends.
I’ll make sure that I have a copy of:
Target Pro Report
Target User Report
so I’ll understand better what I had and what he is changing.
I’m still going to Hearing Well Matters. Mr. Bob is the owner. He’s magnificent.
My case is helped but more complicated because I have a case with workman’s compensation due to exposure to loud noise while working for 3M Canada. 110 dB for prolonged periods before they thought to measure noise levels.
So…I get new hearing aids at 5+ years. And they regulate service expenses.
At 6 months I got a hearing test and my hearing was way worse than reported before. Checking old tests, my hearing is in line with what the audi reported before I switched to CVA in Mississauga. He’s the one that quit…Hearing may be worse now, or the tests may be better. I’ve had two follow ups that show my hearing is quite regular; it’s not an anomaly.
Yesterday the owner of Hearing Well Matters listened to what I said
couldn’t hear in his office, 6 feet apart. Reading lips.
can’t hear in noise
CHANGE. Yesterday, he changed my receivers to power receivers; I had the basic ones. He added sports locks because I miss those. So the receiver doesn’t move in my ears. I’m using Large Power Domes. As I have been before. Proper setting in Target.
He gave me a copy of Target Fitting Report (MAGNIFICENT. It should be given out after every visit if a patient has questions.
Target Notes: Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s
Receiver “P” as of yesterday
Adaptive Phonak Digital 2.0
Auto acclimatization to 95%
Occlusion compensation Weak
Compression Prescribed Compression (whatever that means. I think Target picked it)
Programs are:
Calm Situation
Speech in noise
Speech in loud noise
*Motion Sensor hearing for speech in noise & loud noise
Sound Recover 2
*Calm situation
*Speech in Noise (I work in construction.)
*Speech in Loud Noise (I live 1000 feet below aircraft on final approaching an international airport.) One a minute.
*Speech in Car (Jeep has a performance exhaust/won’t do that again)
*Comfort in Echo
*Media speech + mic
*Media music + mic
ISSUE–hearing aids are so darn noisy! Overpowering…I’ve turned volume down on my HA’s -3 clicks this morning.
Don’t know what to do.
Finally–warranty is up end of August. It’s 3 years; they’re 2+ years. I’d forgotten when I got them. they’re a year older than I had reported here. He will send them away for a Phonak inspection and blessing before warranty ends.
@Michael_Phonak it’s been one step forward at a time. Before I changed from the audi-who-supplied-them I was running a setup marathon backwards.