Need. please, where can I download the Starkey Inspire 18.0.10291.0 Multi-Brand software? please help me

please, where can I download the Starkey Inspire 18.0.10291.0 Multi-Brand software?
please help me

Sorry I can’t help you, but @firenzel might have something.

@Kash @tenkan, for Starkey multibrand install normal latest Starkey Inspire and Starkey Patientbase , then startup the software with the Windows Run command.

Press Windows-Key + R and enter the desired command line

command line for Audibel
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudibelFitting

Run command for MicroTech
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MicroTechFitting

Run command for NuEar
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEarFitting

Run command for Amplifon
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AmplifonFitting

Run command for Audika (French/Francaise)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudikaFitting

Run command for AudioSync (Brazil = Portuguese) (Pro Akustik = German)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudioSyncGeneralFitting

Run command for AGX/AudigyGroup
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudigyGroupFitting

Run command for Visaudio (French/Francaise)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch VisaudioFitting

Run command for Medtronic
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MedtronicFitting

Run command for Lisound (Chinese/Zhongguo)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch LisoundFitting

Run command for Horex (German/Deutsche) Telefunken
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch HorexFitting

Run command for Kind
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch KINDFitting

Run command for Starkey
C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch Starkey

Alternative you can create a .BAT-fle. Then double click this BAT-File for startup/running Inspire in the required 3-rd party mode.

next line is the start (first line) of the BAT file:

set “parm1=launch”
set “parm2=null”

ECHO Choose a Number:
ECHO 1 = AGX/AudigyGroup
ECHO 2 = Amplifon
ECHO 3 = Audibel
ECHO 4 = Audika (French/Francaise)
ECHO 5 = AudioSync (Brazil = Portuguese) (Pro Akustik = German)
ECHO 6 = Horex (German/Deutsche) Telefunken
ECHO 8 = Lisound (Chinese/Zhongguo)
ECHO 9 = Medtronic
ECHO 10 = MicroTech
ECHO 11 = Starkey
ECHO 12 = NuEar
ECHO 13 = Visaudio (French/Francaise)

set /P MyNum="Please enter a number between 1 and 13? "

If %MyNum% == 1 SET “parm2=AudigyGroupFitting”
If %MyNum% == 2 SET “parm2=AmplifonFitting”
If %MyNum% == 3 SET “parm2=AudibelFitting”
If %MyNum% == 4 SET “parm2=AudikaFitting”
If %MyNum% == 5 SET “parm2=AudioSyncGeneralFitting”
If %MyNum% == 6 SET “parm2=HorexFitting”
If %MyNum% == 7 SET “parm2=KINDFitting”
If %MyNum% == 8 SET “parm2=LisoundFitting”
If %MyNum% == 9 SET “parm2=MedtronicFitting”
If %MyNum% == 10 SET “parm2=MicroTechFitting”
If %MyNum% == 11 SET “parm2=Starkey”
If %MyNum% == 12 SET “parm2=NuEarFitting”
If %MyNum% == 13 SET “parm2=VisaudioFitting”
If %parm2% == null GOTO ERROR

ECHO You Selected an Invalid Number: %MyNum%
ECHO Try Again

ECHO You Selected %MyNum% %parm2%
Start “” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe” %parm1% %parm2%
ECHO Starting Your Selection %parm2%
set “parm2=null”

:: Instructions for Changing this Text into an Executable .Bat file
:: 1) create a new Text document with notepad (inside a folder execute right click and choose new → Text document
:: 2) open the new Text document via double click.
:: 3) Select and Copy CTRL+C the above instructions (from line1: ECHO OFF to last line: EXIT /B)
:: 4) Paste (CTRL+V) the instructions into the new Text document
:: 5) Save Text document as: StarkeyOtherBrands.Bat (Menu: File/Save as…)
:: 6) Now you can double-mouse-click your new StarkeyOtherBrands.Bat to run/execute the commands


@Kash , i dont have Inspire 18 , but you could also use the later versions
please check your PM for a download link of
→ Starkey Inspire 19 (2018) and Patientbase

You need to install both: Inspire and Patienbase

Then open the Windows Run command window
→ press Windows-Key + R and enter the desired command line.

Tip: Use copy and paste for entering the command line.

1 Like

Thanks bro.thank you so much appreciated.

bro only starkey is opening .no other company is plus r then i put the audibel command line only starkey is popping up on inspire no other brands showing up,what i did wrong. how to get audibel and nuear brands from this inspire

i am running windows 10 64 bit .not able to run patientbase framework 2.0 failure

there were a typo in the command lines and it is now corrected.
( there must be a space between Inspire OS )

Please try again with these command lines


C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch AudibelFitting


C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch NuEarFitting


C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe launch MicroTechFitting

Thanks bro working on windows 11 not in pirated windows 10.thankyou so much.