Need help with BT connection Phonak

I just got the Phonak Infinio Spheres and BT was connected. I turned off BT for a bit and went back to reconnect and could only get the right one connected. The left shows with LE and the booklet says that will not work and it doesn’t. Any help is much appreciated before I call the audiologist later today.

I have turned the hearing aids off and back on again and restarted the Samsung S22 Plus.

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You should get left and right for BLE for the App only. Did you follow these instructions to pair for streaming from your android device.

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Still not connected.

Are you using the MyPhonak App, are you able to pair and connect to the App without issue?so even if you delete the original pairing and start fresh, you still can’t pair to your Sammy for streaming/calls?

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Please see this link (picture included)

When pairing you should get three blueooth devices.
The two BTLE Bluetooth devices( LE_R and LE_L ) are only for changing settings via the MyPhonak App.

The third bluetooth device (headphone symbol) is for streaming to both hearing aids.


Thank you for the advice. I did not realize that only the right hearing aid was needed for streaming and I reconnected and it is now working.

The app is not connecting so I will reload the app and see what happens. I do like to use the app sometimes for volume.

Reinstalling the app worked. I am good to go. Thank you for the help and I will not be disconnecting my Bluetooth anytime soon. :scream::grimacing::thinking: