Need help: MedEl cochlear implant with Sonnet 2

About MedEl cochlear implant (CI) technology with the Sonnet 2 processor.

I had my CI implant, Dec. 2017, activated in Jan 2018, featuring the Sonnet 1 processor, which came with lots of accessories, including the Roger Pen and its receiver to allow the Sonnet 1 to connect. Then, by adding the Roger receiver to the hearing aid (HA) in my non-CI ear, I was able to hear in both ears.

That combination was wonderful, and the Roger Pen was so helpful in group meetings, especially. Typically it would be 10-20 people in most of the meetings that I attended, and we would pass the 3 Roger pens around (I found extra ones on, for about $100 each, instead of new ones for $900 or so).

That ability of hearing everyone in the group, with both ears, was a wonderful gift to me, that worked well for several years!

BUT then, MedEl upgraded the Sonnet to version 2, with no Roger Pen support!!! Thus, my dual ear hearing ceased, and I no longer could understand much in group meetings. The Sonnet 2 came with MedEl’s answer to the Roger technology, but that remote mic will not connect t HA, so the combination of both ears working together was no longer available.

So, I ask again, as I have in the past, is there a way to go back to the advantage I had before of dual hearing?

Please help. Thanks,

Have you talked to your audiologist about this?
I believe there is a MedEl forum that might be more helpful.

Thanks. Yes I have been talking to the VCU hospital audiology dept. for several months about this (but not lately). I just sent them the same message and will await their response. But, you are right, I should do the same on the MedEl forum(s).

@Dani wears MedEl, bilateral. He might be able to help you here.

A few Roger options work with Sonnet 2.


If you’re saying the actual Roger Pen won’t work with new Sonnet 2. Then second hand Roger Mics other then Roger Pen come up on eBay lots.

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@texboydmoore See link below:

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I am a bilateral user (i.e. I wear a CI from MedEL on both ears).
In my opinion Sonnet 1 should be easily exchangable to Sonnet 2 and Roger 21 should still work like a charme. But I am no expert for the Roger-system. I don’t use any accessory except AudioStream for direct Streaming from my mobile phone.


We need to know what hearing aid you have.

The remote mic needs to be compatible with the aid and processor for bilateral hearing from this remote mic.

Zebras and Baltazard shared some good information. Hopefully that will help you.

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My Audi from VCU Hospital just wrote and said we had covered this issue before and the Roger system will still work if I am willing to purchase that ability. I had forgotten that, and will pursue that now. So please forgive the complaint.

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Cant you reuse your Roger licenses in your new devices?

I may have to upgrade the equipment to work with the new Sonnet 2 and the new HA. So that is what I am researching - I will be seeing the Audi soon, and she knows what I need. Thanks.

Still working. on finding a low or no - cost solution. I have one, but the sound is not completely synced between the CI and HA - I’ll try to report back with any progress.

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