While my Paradise is in service, I suggested to my audi that I want to try a new aid and see maybe I will keep it. I suggested to try Luimity while she said that Naida P90 up would be better.
Now I am confused, because I don’t think Naida is for my type of loss but also because I am a bit scared it will be too strong and damage my hearing (even if its set up correctly which it will be).
Are my doubts based on facts or is just my anxiety about trying something new?
thank you! Unfortunately I am not sure how to read this…I am not very versed in the technical side of hearing aids. Does this mean that you think it should fit me or that it shouldn;t?
As I said earlier, I have a similar hearing loss to you and I’m using Lumity L90’s with Medium Power receivers. The Lumity’s can also use the high power receivers too so you won’t be anywhere near the top end of the hearing loss profile for Lumity if your hearing gets worse over time.
There’s no way that a power receiver will harm your hearing if its properly set up. In other words, it will be safe and possibly (probably) advantageous to use a power receiver if you audi recommends it. I wear one on my right ear and it’s great given my loss. And necessary!
@sickbay I promise you that a Naida UP is overkill (I assume you’re only looking to fit your right ear?). It won’t damage your hearing if it’s set up properly but if you are fit with an overpowered speaker/receiver, it can sometimes cause excess machine noise and overamplification of lower frequencies. A lumity with a Power receiver would be a great fit for you.
Have you also considered using a biCROS system to transfer sounds from your weaker ear/side to your better ear? Lumity doesn’t have a CROS system, but Oticon MORE have a great CROS system. Signia AX have a pretty good CROS system also.
Long story short, I certainly wouldn’t fit you with a UP Naida if you walked into my clinic.
Hey! Thanks a lot, so great to hear from an audiologist!
I am deaf in the left ear. I tried a CROS a few years back and found it useless, also very weird to have aids on both ears…but this was like 2014, I’m sure things improved since and maybe worth trying.
To try Oticon MORE would be such a huge change even without CROS.
To be honest, I’m not very interested in trying CROS now but maybe is something to consider.
The question I asked is this:
Given that my Paradise 90 si in service for 3 weeks. What aid should I try for these 3 weeks that might be better than what I have and might be an upgrade.
She said Lumity would be no difference whatsoever so suggested Naida.
Should I ask for Oticon MORE? is this the latest oticon that would fit my hearing loss?
Also a last question. If I were to buy an aid, do you personally provide remote fitting and could I maybe pay for you to help with fitting? I find that I don’t trust most audis but a lot of good people here seem to really know their stuff.
It’s true that there are a lot informed people on this site. I find it a bit odd to “not trust” audis in general, but to take the advice of total strangers on the internet who don’t have the benefit of seeing and testing you live and in person. And who may or may not be whom they claim to be. I doubt this last applies here! Still.
I’m not an audi and have limited perspective. But I state that up front. If I were a doctor I’d be reluctant to overrule your own doctor who examines you in person, based on a chart and your own opinion. I don’[t know you either. There are plenty of patients who don’[t understand their own condition and are looking for someone to tell them what they want to hear.
Again, this probably doesn’t apply here!
I understand that an audi can tell a lot from an audiogram. so the doctor analogy has limits.
Still. I don’[t take medical advice from strangers on line. getting a second opinion from someone who can make sense of my situation and who seems reasonable is another matter. If it helps me to come to a good conclusion that incorporates what my audi/doctor says, my own knowledge and the opinion of the person on line who seems informed.
It’s my pleasure - navigating the world of hearing aids can be a minefield. I just don’t see the harm in trying the Lumity for a few weeks. It’s more likely to be an improvement than staying with just a different version of the Paradise (I.e. the Naida). The Naida UP is far too powerful for your right ear. The Naida SP might be better suited but I don’t see that it’ll offer any advantage over the Audeo which you’re already wearing… it’s literally the same device is a different shell! Although the Lumity might not be a significant improvement, you might find it does a couple of things a little better (key word is “might”).
Doing a remote fitting is never ideal. You want to find yourself a good audiologist (I recommend independent) who has good reviews and will perform REM. Which country do you live in?
As for which to try - Oticon MORE or Phonak Lumity, it’s hard to say. I would suggest that if you’ve been happy with phonak, try the Lumity. If you’ve been disappointed, why not try the MORE.
Unfortunately, I am limited to remote fitting. But for the Paradise I had REM done too in person. I buy my aids online from NL but I live in Romania. Thing is, in Romania you won’t get fitted with an aid you didn’t you from them. They sell the paradise for 3100euros while I got it online for 1400e…there’s just no way I can spend so much extra money for the benefit of a local audi here. ALSO they don’t have REM machines.
I went to NL to get REM fitting for my Paradise and was ok ever since.
But I do not distrust remote fitting at all. Maybe I am jaded but I met a lot of bad audis here