N8 battery selections

Hi all,

After not qualifying as a candidate 12 months ago, I’ve finally been approved for a CI and am now on the waiting list to receive one, which is great in a sense because I’m really not hearing very well at all and therefore I’m hoping a CI will help. (Much thanks to @Deaf_piper for her support, ideas, and answering a bunch of questions both a year ago and now - it’s been invaluable!)

Next week I go in to Cochlear to select a processor, where I’m pretty sure between the K2 and the N8 that it’s the N8 that I’ll decide upon based on my research and questions asked. (The retention issue is what really puts me off the K2.)

Anyhow, I’m sure the Audi will go over the pro’s and con’s to the different N8 battery selections but I thought I’d put it out there here…out of the 3 (from what I can see) battery selections (disposable, extended, and compact modules), which one did you pick and why? And how many hours/days do you get out of that chosen module, although I realise that this will vary, of course, due to a number of factors.

Cheers :smiley:

I got one disposable module which gives me about 23 hours. The extended module gives me 24 hours. This is on the side that uses more power. I measured until I got the low battery beep and both was with about 8 hours of streaming.

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Hi @MickeyCee when choosing which battery module would suit you best you should consider -

  1. Your work situation- do you get a lot of phone calls… or just standard conversation.
  2. Your social situation- are you out and about enjoying yourself at night, meaning if you are you might need the standard battery module.
  3. Do you listen/stream music a lot, TV, movies.
    Streaming any of these will use your battery quicker.

I have compact batteries and I get around 13-14 hours with these. But I don’t do a lot of streaming, and I only get 3-4 phone calls max a day. So you need to take this into account. My AuD encouraged me to get one of each, but I decided on compact.

Your kit comes with a disposable battery module anyhow, also with a few batteries for it. You can order more through Hearing Australia.

I had up until about a month out from surgery to change my mind about colour and battery size.

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Thanks both for your replies and info, and great questions to ponder @Deaf_piper and good to know that it comes with the disposable module anyhow. Also good to know that there may be time to change your selection prior to surgery :+1:t3:

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My friend has disposable batteries and normal size rechargeable batteries.

She loves to Off Grid Camp so always uses disposables when camping

She has 2 x N7s.


As I mentioned I have compact batteries. I’ve had my processor on for 10 hours so far today. It’s been a standard day with 3 phone calls and normal conversation. I’ve just checked my battery and it’s still on 80% left. I could really get tomorrow out of this battery if I wanted to. But then I’m retired so not working taking numerous phone calls.

If your thinking you want to change your mind ask your AuD for their email address when you are next in to the E&E.

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