My Phonak Lyric Experience to Date

I have been in the Phonak Lyric devices for 8 months now and have some concerns.

Initially I was told by many that it is analog and features as well as sound quality would be problematic.

That has not been my experience. I like the sound quality and the fact that I do not have bluetooth connectivity is a non-issue for me.

t’s nice to have the T.V. volume on 10 as opposed to 90 !

It’s nice to hear the waterfall in my pond. On the occasions when I remove the Lyrics I realize what I have been missing.

Now the bad news!

My biggest issues are fit. It seems that if I am fitted with the medium devices I get a lot of feedback unless I place the volume on a low setting. When we try to upsize to a large I have developed hematomas in my canal and need to remove the device for a week to allow for healing. Of course I need to drive 30 minutes to my audiologist as Lyrics cannot (or should not) be placed by the end user.

A persistent problem in my left ear has been some cerumen (wax) which my audiologist has not been able to remove. In spite of various instilled solutions, suction and scraping the wax remains.

This has caused my left ear auditory acuity to be horrible. Upon her suggestion I saw an ENT yesterday and with the aid of a microscope the wax was was gone in 2 minutes. He told me it was literally against the tympanic membrane.

We discussed the Lyric and he is not a fan as in his opinion (and he makes sense) with the Lyric in place 24/7 the wax has nowhere to go. How can it migrate out of the ear if it is literally blocked by the device.

In short I think I am done with the Lyric. Besides at $3,500 /year for a subscription It’s going to be pricey.

So now where to go.

As I mentioned in a post some time ago I do NOT want a RIC. Personal reasons so please do not tell me to get over my self consciousness.

So many choices. In an attempt to make things simpler I am looking at only the Signia line of IIC devices. Cannot see much difference between the Silk NX and the Insio NX. Anybody care to educate me on the differences aside from the fact that no mold required for the Silk which utilizes “click sleeves”?

I am getting a new audiogram this week but I am NOT profound more moderate to severe with typical high freq sloping loss.

Full disclosure: I have ordered the new Eargo NEO Hi Fi which is a direct to consumer product. Yes I know no real ear measurements ya da da. They give me a 45 day trial and are rechargeable so no dealing with #10 batteries every 3-5 days.

Granted they have limited programming but hey same with the Lyrics !! And I did like the sound quality of the Lyrics.
In short I am looking for very discrete and if such a thing exists true IIC aside from the removal thread. Should I venture into the Starkey line or Phonak virto or stick with Signia to simplify things. Worse than car shopping !

Frankly there are so many choices and i need to narrow the field.

My plan is to try the Signia for a week and than switch to the Eargos . Simply back and forth to make a decision as to which provided me with better sound and acuity.

As regards real ear verification or lack thereof:
In my opinion and no I am not an audiologist just because real ear says this is where you need to be it may not right for how my brain processes sound.

Analogy: A tailor may ell you this is the right size shirt for you but maybe the other size just feels better to you.
Mattress A may be the “better choice” per the salesman but to you mattress B just feels better. All due respect to real ear but I just don’t believe it is the be all and end all in fitting. Simply another tool.

As a physician having practiced neurology for 35 years I believe I am in a position to make these statement. if real ear is available in say the Signia great but if the Eargo just "feels better and sounds better " TO ME well i’ll go that route.
Apologies for the rant just trying make some progress here.

Any and all civil opinions/suggestions are welcome with the exception of “get over your self consiousness and get a RIC.” Not going to happen.

Happy Holidays and be safe.

I do believe the primary difference between Signia Silk and Insio is the use of click sleeves versus a custom made device. IF the click sleeves are comfortable and IF you can get enough gain without feedback, they seem like a viable option. They’re certainly easy to try and there are two venting options and multiple sizes. As you compare hearing devices, I’d encourage focussing on how much they help you understand people versus the “quality of the sound.” It’s amazing what we can get used to.


If Costco is near you that might be another choice. That would limit your choices some which might be what you need.
For most, great service and warranty.

And they offer the Rexton version of the Signia Silk. Price is around $3000 or somewhat less for a pair.