My lasted audiogram test. Done yesterday

Sugestions please. I use 3 years resound one 9. And This momment test oticon intent 1.

Color red: hear right
Color blue: hear left.

I’d consider looking at a BTE like Phonak Naida L or Oticon XCeed. Depending on your word recognition scores and what is available in your country I’d consider asking about a Cochlear Implant evaluation.


An audiologist told me that she had a client with a 8 percent WR score before CI and after getting the CI and training, WR score jumped up to 88 percent. An new Phonak L-UP or Xceeds aids might help but you won’t get high WR score similar to CI.

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If you decide to continue with hearing aids, i would recommend using frequency lowering to give you a better chance of hearing high tones. I have Phonak Lumity and they may have the strongest frequency lowering. They call it Sound Recover. It works, and doesnt sound weird.