My Dad can hear me better through my Phonak Marvel when features are off

My Sister fought hard. She never said the big C word. She simply called it “the diagnosis” because a diagnosis can be wrong. She read everything she could. She accepted every experimental treatment and did research to find them when just new.



Can the aids be programmed to just turn off those features when your making a phone call? Thanks!

Music program has less automatic functions.

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Thanks. I’m ignoring my blood pressure. Doc doesn’t know…I’m glad you watch yours though…

Zebras you make a huge difference here for me as someone trying to get my HA’s to work better.



Yeah, don’t go anywhere, @Zebras , We need you!



@Zebras Sorry to hear that, I hope everything works out well for you.

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Also worked out that if I switch on ‘mono audio’, music, Pod Casts and everything else audio is a lot louder.

I switched off mono audio because I wanted to experience the stereo effect and I really struggled to hear my audio, once I switch back on mono audio, it was a lot louder but not too loud either.

With mono audio switched on, background noise is no issue. With it turned off, background noise is an issue.

This works on iPhone. Have no idea about Android.


@Zebras Thank you, good to know.

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If you have Headphone Notifications turned on, it also reduces the music / audio gain etc. it doesn’t make it really quiet but there’s noticeable increase in sound when I turned it off.

Well for goodness’ sake! I am reading this news and just wanting to wrap you in a healing energy. You’ve given me SO much great advice over the past couple years I can never thank you enough. But I can definitely acknowledge your insights and advice - BLESS YOU! :slightly_smiling_face:

You are still needed here, so don’t go till we tell ya to.


My own half-penny’s worth of experience here: I’ve never ever had anyone tell me they can’t hear me when I’m in a noisy environment (edit: while streaming a phone call)! However, once in a blue moon, I’ll have someone say “HELLO?!” and then hang up cuz I’m guessing they can’t hear me. I always chalked that up to some kind of T-Mobile issue or interference from wifi inside/outside our house.

Now I’m also intrigued about the issues others are having when their own “smart” aids are trying to do something that seems to interfere with the phone call. I’m certainly no acoustic engineer or electrician, but I have in the past turned down Noise Cancellation on my older Marvel aids. It seems they wanted to dampen ALL sound down (as others have observed here) so that both speech AND the ambient noise would be too low.

With my new Phonak Life aids, I have Noise Cancellation on as a default and NO issues so far at all. In fact, I find that they seem to know to put me into “Speech in LOUD Noise” when I’m in a noisy place automatically! I have a dedicated program to force my aids into this program, but I haven’t needed to use it yet. I’m almost glad I don’t have the Phonak app on my phone, cuz I’d tinker it to death just trying things out.

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I asked the audiologist for a list of program feature categories and selection options that could be made with each for Phonak Paradise 70s. She didn’t have it and I couldn’t find that kind of detail online. Proprietary I guess. But without that kind of info it felt like I could adjust individual items and combos to infinity and potentially never find ones that work best for me. Nor understand the effect of particular features without a lot of experimenting.

Ah these are settings I need adjusted by Audi, on my M70’s phone calls are unbearably loud in any sort of noisy environment as need to turn up volume to hear, but mics seem to pick up everything, even if start call on low volume, I can’t adjust anything when in a call.
Compared to previous quattros this is not so good but i guess side effect of using mics on hearing aids, I think id rather use mic on phone if thats possible?


Having NoiseBlock etc off, actually increases the volume of the call and makes background noise less.

All these features, reduce the sound of the actual phone call as well.

You could also have the phone call program reduced in gain to help it not be so loud.

Unfortunately not.


@Zebras Are you saying turining off those options is better when having a phone call?
I thought, you’ve disabled Noiseblock only? (I can’t seem to find you post)

NoiseBlock, SoundRelax and WindBlock all don’t help but NoiseBlock is the main issue.


Thanks will ask at next appointment.
I guess this is the issue when using mics on aids, as using phone mic would previously mean could hear very clear in any noise. If none of these options help much, I will not be able to use for calls when say going for a walk at lunch as the back ground noise picked up far to much and pumped in to ears and its making my ears worse and the ringing as its just to much volume.

@Zebras Is it fair to say, one could start by turning off Noiseblock then go from there?

Ask for the phone call program to be reduced by 3 dB maybe?

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yeah I will do, I find it strange to when like streaming on facebook or similar, that lower volume to mute with side buttons and its still quite loud, some silly loud depending on vid.