Music fidelity comparison of Phonak Infinio Sphere with Oticon more

i listen to music alot/sometimes go to conserts/outings, struggle in noisy enviroments between the oticon more/ phonak sphere infinio, witch one would be good for me?

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What is your hearing loss like? You should attach an audiogram to your profile so we can see. It depends on whether you need to use frequency lowering or not. If you do need it then for music listening, the Phonak and Oticon aids use different frequency lowering technologies and you might prefer one over the other

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Hard to say without seeing your audiogram.

I’ve worn Phonak for 30 years but have just moved to Oticon in the last year and I hear so much better with the Oticon.

I felt deaf with my Phonak but I feel hearing with my Oticon.

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