Most recent Intent 1 update problem with bluetooth now (updated since original post)

Update: *I re-paired the H/A’s and seems to be holding… If that changes, will update again.

Hello. I’m in my tryout period with the new Intent 1, and I was at a follow up appt with my Audiologist, and she said a new update came out on Friday and it was supposed to address some of the latency issue that I and others have reported. I sure wish to h#ll that she hadn’t done that update because now, I can’t access phone calls through my hearing aids. They are paired, and they work if I’m streaming something, but try to answer a call? the bluetooth seems to keep dropping and I’m telling people hold on hold on as I frantically get to a point where I can at least use my phone not through my ha’s.

Has anyone else done the update, I know it’s just a few days since it came out, but I’m so frustrated. Also, will my audiologist have to basically reset and reprogram my aids with the older firmware until this gets resolved? She did say something about Oticon saying that some things won’t be fully fixed until Samsung does an update on their side, but that I believe was related to some other problem.

Thank you

The only way to reverse the update is for the Oticon repair center to do it. Second what phone do you have and third did you forget the aids after the update and the pair the aids again.

Another thought if you have the Samsung phone with the le audio option try disabling le audio by going into phone settings, connections, Bluetooth, and your aids by tapping the setup gear.


Did you unpair the hearing aids on your phone first? Pairing them again usually helps.
You may also want to delete the app data so that everything is clean.

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Seems like unpairing and re-pairing did the trick. Thank you!

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Any time I update or upgrade my aids or phone, I unpair my aids and connect clips and pair fresh after the update or upgrade. It is just a little extra insurance in connectivity enjoyment.

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Thank you for the reminder about the connect clip! It’s been a good while since I got a new pair of hearing aids (last was in 2019 - things have changed up a bit!), so definitely a learning curve (still think that maybe audiologist might have mentioned reminder, but maybe she was going under the assumption that I’m not a newbie to hearing aids…)

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I have a connect clip I got at the end of the year of 2018 and it is still working great for my INTENT1 aids.

I’m impressed that your ConnectClip from2018 is still working. I got mine in 2018 also. By late 2020, its battery was not lasting all day. Since then, my wife has replaced the battery three times with similar-sized batteries from eBay, and now the latest of those is showing its age. None of the eBay batteries lasted as long as the original, but Oticon doesn’t sell their battery, or service the ConnectClip.

Other than the battery life, my ConnectClip is working fine.

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My connect clip isn’t in useall day everyday. I power it on when I want to stream from my tablet or my laptop then power it off after I use it.