Lyric, contract and audiologist

Just by way of and update and ollow-up on a post I made about Lyric several months ago. Lyrics for me work beautifully until they didn’t. Good thing that I lived within 15’ driving distance of Audiologist dispenser. Be advised: the "free trial is NOT a free trial if you choose to purchase the year-long subscription. If you do decide to do that, your first X # of days count toward the year. E.g., I purchased my Subscription some 40 days post initial dispensing, on 23May22. End of June 22 I paid the $3600 bucks. On May 23 2023, between 10AM and 3PM on that day my aids “went dead.” Literally. DEAD. While Audiologist advised me that my subscription would end that day, nowhere either in what she told me or in the contract I signed was I advised that my hearing aid audiological assistance would “END” on that day. They were obviously programmed to “die” on that day. How do I know? Well, because each Lyric I had was installed within 2 to 3 weeks before the end of their hearing support. So, be damn careful. When the contract you sign advised that your free trial is a free trial it is NOT a free trial if you choose to buy the subscription. Buying the subscription reverts your purchase date to the day they are first installed. #2 When the subscription expires, irrespective of how new the most recently replaced aids are, they will DIE on that precise day of original insertion. #3 Be doggone sure if you buy them that you have a backup pair of other aids to cover you for the days you don’t have the Lyric inserted for whatever reason, abrasion secondary to withdrawing them because of product failure, loosening in the canal, wax generation, failure while in the canal producing loud reverberation sufficient to induce balance disequilibrium, etc, and that means #4, you’d better live real close to your prescriber. For as good as the Lyrics are, they are also just that lousy. The policy of failing to provide the information that “end of subscription” means they will no longer work, no matter how recently installed, well, you all can decide what that means. Just FYI. Anthony