Lumity 90 built in programs

I belive phonak lumity 90 aids have 8 or more built in programs that are accessed automatically. However the my phonak app only shows 4 across the top bar. Shouldn’t it show all of them to allow me to select manually if I wish?

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In short, no. Autosense selects among multiple programs. You can choose a limited number of manual programs.


Well, all of them can be made available for manual selection, too, if needed. Ask your audi.

But yeah, autosense usese then no matter if they’re available to the end user or not, from.wjat I understand.

That’s what I thought. I will ask when I return for my post fitting appt. But, how do you know if the auto sense pgrm is actually doing it’s thing? Is there a way you can tell which pgm is currently active? Not that I don’t trust them, but it would be nice to be able to “tweak” the settings, e.g. when in a car.

Yes, if you go to the Phonak app, and assuming you are in automatic mode, then just tap “adjust programme” at the bottom, and at the top it will tell you what Autosense programme you are in (eg, Calm situation, speech in noise, car etc).


And then (if you suddenly have a distracted driver car crash) check to see if Autosense immediately switched the program to speech in load noise. That will let you know it is working correctly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe I’ll just pull over before “tweaking”. :wink: :wink: :wink:

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Now, that’s helpful. I didn’t notice that. Thank you.

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My experience may help…(hearing aids are Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s, and I have the current version of myPhonak)
I was using a noisy hand dryer and learned several things…
Using the App…
Before I turned the hand dryer on, my hearing aids were in the Calm mode as shown by the App–please see Mike59’s post.
When I turned the hand dryer on, It switched to “Conversation in Noise” after a few seconds.
However, the App display never changed, even after the hand dryer shut down and it was quiet again. I had to go back to the App and start over, and the hearing aids were in “Calm” mode.

I wish myPhonak would continuously change the display as the mode changed.

Another wish–Phonak should inform us when the myPhonak app has been revised so we can stay current.


I’d like it to say autosense with the specific program underneath. That way I could tell “Calm Situation” or “Speech in Loud Noise” from the autosense initiated modes.

Maybe by the time they do that, I’ll be on to the next aids, which might not be Phonaks!



Thanks for your note.
I’m following this thread trying to learn more about the Lumity 90 hearing aids. I’m hoping that they are a significant improvement for me when I’m allowed to change the hearing aids. (Get mine supplied by Workman’s Comp, and they have rules…)

Wax guards? Word recognition? Performance in noisy environments? And my Paradise P90’s are almost there, BUT it’s taken a year and a half so far.

My next hearing aids may not be Phonak too.

Well, I’ve only had the Lumity 90’s for less than a week, so it’s pretty early to tell, but I can say that I find them superior to the Oticon More 1 that I had for about 2 weeks as loaners. And far superior to the Oticon OPN aids that I am replacing. Speech seems much better, as does noise reduction in restaurants. The fact that I can “tweak” the programs in situations has proven helpful. E.G. I am rehearsing for a community theater production, and the rehearsal hall is more like a large warehouse area. Very difficult environment, but I was able to apply a few adjustments to one of the built-in programs, and save it as a new program, that has helped enormously. I’m waiting for custom ear molds, so there is a lot I can’t say in such a short time, but so far I’m very pleased.


Barbshop - glad you are pleased with the Lumity HA. Interested to know about your further reactions to the differences between the Oticon More 1’s and the Lumity, as I am looking at both. Also, is your Lumity the waterproof Life version or the regular one.


I’ll try to post updates. In fairness, I only had the Oticons for about 2 weeks as loaners, so they weren’t programmed using real ear measures, just basic to my prescription. I disliked the Oticon Companion App as it doesn’t really give you much control over the aids. The My Phonak App has a great deal more flexibility in adjusting and even creating new programs. I found the noise reduction in loud restaurants with the Oticons to be not very effective. I haven’t yet had a chance to expose the Phonak’s to the same level of noise, but was pleased with their performance when rehearsing for a stage show in a large warehouse style hall. Noise reduction there was very good. Voice clarity seemed better as well. Again, in fairness, need more time to evaluate. Also anxious to try the custom molds.

Hello barbshop and everyone :wave:

Do you, or anyone here, know if your Lumity 90’s are the same, or operate in the same manner as my new Phonak Audéo L90-R ?

I am wondering which various forum posts I can research that might not be the same model, yet might still shine a light on the Phonak app adjustments (using my Samsung S20, and it’s limitations.

Your post and the replies from experienced members are an awesome start.

It would be most beneficial if the current active program status was the most obvious and first thing you can view whenever accessing the app.

Modifying the app to use notifications as a way of viewing the current status is also an option I would certainly appreciate and use often.

Where do we go to make suggestions for improving the Phonak app?

I have the Lumity 90R which I believe is the same model as yours. I love the fact that I can tweak the settings of automatic programs and even save new ones using the My Phonak App. I did that with the basic Automatic program in order to reduce background noise and increase speech clarity while rehearsing a stage show in a large noisy room. So far, I’ve found the Automatic setting works pretty well for most situations, but the ability to adjust each program as needed was a great selling point for me. Works well with my Samsung S20FE.

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I think… not positive, that the settings programmed by my audiologist are the basis for all adjustments available to me via the app.

I wish I could access every possible level of every hz and make adjustments while listening to

  • someone in a quiet room
  • in a restaurant
  • tv
  • music
  • movie theater
    The app only leaves me guessing what is or isn’t happening. It is very frustrating to have to depend on someone else for something so simple. I am so far unable to tone down distorted sounds of noises such as the beeping bell sound in my F150, or just rubbing my hand on my shirt sleave… while still making the sounds i need to hear, heard clearly. Most notably, none of the sounds, sound natural (yet).

This is only day 2 for me. I’m sure future adjustments will improve the quality. If only those adjustments were easier to accomplish by the user by applying immediate visual (graphic) feedback of the every adjustment made.

Well this is possible if your into DIY projects, it’s easy enough to make these adjustments with the manufacturer’s software along with the hardware, in those very situation’s you could have your laptop with you and do this “on the fly”

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Not sure what you mean. The My Phonak App lets you make a number of adjustments. You have the equalizer presets at the top right, the specific options like “Default”, “Comfort”, etc. Then there are the sliders for volume, noise reduction, etc. Of course you can’t make the same degree of adjustment that the audiologist can using their software, but it does give me a lot of options.