Looks like Dr. Cliff plus his new associates, can't stop gnawing at his KS-10 bone!

Looks like Dr. Cliff plus his new associates, can’t stop gnawing at his KS-10 bone!

I kinda felt like there was a subtle disjoint in the video, whereby Dr Cliff was perhaps trying to play up the perils of going to a Costco audi whereas his clinic associates, Drs Cook & Beck were pretty articulate about the challenges of ANYONE fitting a person with the perfect aids.

I really related to a lot of the scenarios raised by these two associates: REM, audigram, lack of Speech in Noise tests done up-front, and the highly individualized, nuanced hearing of every single person. That’s what I describe as “how I want my world to sound”. And it is never EVER as the initial set-up delivered to me, which has been based on the results of any tests done.

Sorry! Maybe I’m just a “difficult” user? But I prefer to say that having worn aids for DECADES, and seen the transition from analog aids with volume wheels clear out to BT-enabled aids with phone apps and nearly infinite settings and wide range of features/programs, the whole scene has become orders of magnitude more complex.

I am very lucky to have had two outstanding audis in my life (my current, and most recent past), and I have enormous respect for the patience, time and fortitude they exhibit with my own follow-on appts. I really feel that I get HUGE bang for the buck with a dedicated audi, but understand why some folks prefer the cost and convenience of Costco.

It’s about the degree of loss, the ability to articulate needs and nuances, convenience, cost, fitter’s knowledge & recommendations - myriad variables go into choosing the purchase location for aids.

Thanks for posting the video. Dr Cliff has two very sharp professionals working with him! If I was in his area of AZ, I’d probably check that clinic out. :slight_smile:

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I appreciate your comments.

However I remain confused

I’m basking in being able to hear better. But I don’t know how

The practitioner used a Target quick fit. No REM
H boosted mids and highs and volume

He used the audiologists Audiogram. It shows improved hearing better than his predecessor reported and I still showin my Audiogram here

My little voice sys I need a new hearing test

How can I hear better than so long ago?

I’m in a maze. There’s no way out. I’m grateful I finally hear better. But I want to hear the best I can

Thanks for your comments. I’ve watched so many of his videos. Lately I’ve wondered if he was burnt out. I shall look for this one.


IMHO he is very burnt out. He is on an all-out campaign to drive people away from Costco Hearing, where the floodgates to reasonably priced hearing aids have opened. Look at the Comments after the original Youtube video location - you have to scroll way down to the bottom, below the links to all the photo political and whatnot links, to find them. He seems panicked, trying to protect the former exclusivity of the $6-9000 chargers. So many people are now going to Costco for hearing aids that it’s no longer a walk-in anymore - you have to call and they book you an appointment weeks away to buy and get tested and fitted with name brands. He is stll gnawing away over the KS10s recharger problems, although made by a name-brand manufacturer, as pointed out by one of the commenters.


Is this why he (Cliff Hanger) disabled the “Dislike” button on that video? :-1:t2:
Don’t get me wong, he has some good content, when he want to. :+1:t2:


Bluejay, you’re not a difficult user, you’re just a severe hearing loss. As a sort of rule of thumb, you can basically draw a line across the audiogram at 65 dB and any loss below that (greater than 65 dB loss, because “below” is a confusing word with the upside-down graph that is the audiogram) is going to be a less predictable, more individual fit. The physiological changes in the ear are different. Any provider who has only really seen milder losses in their career is going to struggle a bit with this population.


I stopped tuning into his channel after his run of unduly critical pieces on Costco. Certainly it seems to run counter to his ethos of getting people to address their hearing loss (unless that’s address your hearing loss in a practice that isn’t Costco). Of the three private practices I visited, Costco had the most thorough testing regime and focused solely on what I needed. It was also the cheapest and no upsell.


What’s his issue with Costco? I remember him being fine with and even enthusiastic about OTC aids when they hit the market. Why would Costco be worse?



Great comment


My hearing is slightly below 65 and maybe that’s why my Audi had troubles.


If he continue like this, his reputation will go down a cliff :smile: :roll_eyes:


I’ve had KS-10s for a year. Costco gave me great service, better than any audiologist I’ve seen. The 10s have some quirks, especially with changing, but they are like any other “computer”. Sometimes they need a reboot to clear a lockup. Sometimes you have to let the battery completely discharge to accomplish the reboot.


Likewise, I’ve been very, very happy with my KS9s, especially after a Costco fitter recently gave me a complete updated hearing test and, noting the big changes since the last one, reprogrammed them accordingly. In addition to being able to hear well again, I am enjoying their flawless connection with my Android phone. Before then, I was telling people that “I don’t talk on the phone anymore. Just text me.”

I not only watched the video on the Youtube site - I read the transcript below it, and noticed some even more bizarre allegations in the presentation. At one point, he and one of the ladies claimed to be able to tell, just by looking at them, that the housings of the KS9s and KS10s were made of a cheaper, thinner plastic than in the Phonak versions! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Imagine being able to use their unaided eyesight, without even a micrometer and a loupe, to discern and compare the relative thickness of the housing between different hearing aids! Wow! :rofl:

At another point in the transcript, now that Costco has replaced the KS line with solely name-branded hearing aids, they accused those companies of cheapening their reputations by participating, and predicted that they will soon regret it! I call that unmitigated gall! :upside_down_face:


That is very interesting to know! I just assumed I was fussier, had more nuanced needs, had worn these aids longer and dangit was not going to just walk away with my initial setups.

But that puts it in perspective! I am EAGER to challenge these providers and show them a whole new world of unique and challenging fits!

Granted I may be the only one in their career they can write a monograph on. :wink:


This video shows why you need to rely on research studies and not anecdotes. Dr. Cliff & associates may feel that they see a lot of former Costco clients in their practice, but it’s probably only a tiny percentage of the people who receive hearing aids from the Costcos in their area. They are only seeing the people who are the most unhappy with their results, and not the typical Costco client.


You are so right! I really can’t imagine anyone calling him or coming into his office and saying something “Hi Dr Cliff, I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with the hearing aids I got from Costco, and how pleased I was with the whole fitting experience!” :joy:
And the surveys regularly taken and posted by Consumer Reports reflect an overwhelming percentage of people happy with the Costco Hearing experience, year after year. He never mentioned that in this video, and when he has referred to it in the past he downplays it. So who is more likely to present an unbiased report?


He has recognized real issues in the HA business. However I don’t see his method helps maybe that’s because I don’t live in the US.

He looks sickly to me I hope he’s well.

He is a veteran. I thank him for his service

If nothing else, Cliff is a skilled businessman. It seems to me that he has spent a good portion of the last few years diversifying his profile sufficiently to ensure that he will still be relevant and able to make a comfortable living long after the traditional audiology practice has disappeared. Good luck to him!

Sort of like the thousands of people who love rechargeable hearing aids versus the dozen or so here who regularly rant against thrm.


I wish him well. But I don’t search for his videos now
I watched almost half and quit

I must focus on what helps me hear better.

If I was starting fresh and needed to buy COSTCO price and guarantee would have me search there

I’d say that if someone new asked for advice

And I likely warn about videos that rant

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I had Dr Cliff on my Youtube subscriptions but then I felt he got repititious in his topics so I dropped my subscription. He is useful when first starting the hearing aid journey but over the long term this forum is better as it gets input from a wide variety of people/HA problems.