Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

Interesting, so win11 is still a pain, thanks for sharing this.

I have Genesis AI 24 hearing aids, Noahlink, and Patientbase downloaded on a Windows 11 laptop. How can I get ProFit software? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi there, sure it’s available ,great your giving DIY a go, Starkey are pretty good and the software is super easy to use as well,

Thank you so much! The download worked perfectly. I’m going to do some simulations and then create a couple of patients so I have my original settings saved.

Yeah that’s the way, always good to backup your original settings.

Hello, i’m looking to calibrate a “LIVIO 1000” from Starkey for a patient. I don’t know if i can use a NoahLink Wireless to connect them (Livio1000 has bluetoth functions so it will probably work).

Do i need an exclusive device for fitting?
if yes; Can i get/buy it somewhere?

Also can someone send me a link for the starkey Pro fit software?

Yes the Noahlink wireless will be fine to use.
Don’t forget you’ll need patient base as well.

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I am looking to program Starkey Genesis AI IIC hearing aids. I know I will need the Pro Fit software but unsure about the cable type and programmer device that I will need. Any help appreciated!

Hi there, good question, have you got profit installed yet, because you can easily check in there, just choose your models and do a simulation mode and you’ll be able to see exactly, but yeah those very small IIC types if non wireless would need HiPro and purple cables plus orange flex strips, not that easy to find.

Check out this post it might help, ask @firenzel as I’m sure it’s been explained before on the forum.

Thanks tenkan for the quick reply! I do not have the ProFit software as yet…a download link would be most appreciated! Will I need the Patient Base software as well?

I will check out @firenzel as well.

hello tenkan
I’m buying Starkey Genesis 2400.
I currently have evolve 2400, inspire x 2023.1 installed with patiente base and nohalink.
but as I live in Brazil, it is not available to download PRO FIT in my country.
If you provide me with a link to download PRO FIT, will I be able to use it in Brazil?

Yes the patient base as well, Starkey has a lot of help info on their website as well, read through and you’ll find it much easier to follow the fitting flow in profit.

Thanks for all the help tenkan! Very much appreciated!!

Welcome to the forum, I’m sure you’ll have no problem using ProFit software there.

Hi @firenzel. Can you please send me Starkey Inspire X software link? I want to use it to program Microtik hearing aids. Your support in this regard would be highly appreciated.


can you please send me a copy of starkey pro fit Thank you,

Hi there, sure no problem, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects.

Starkey’s new Signature Series IIC HA’s can now be programmed without cables using the NoahLink 2 wireless device. I am wondering if anyone has had experience doing this with these IIC’s?

How do I get the Starkey Pro Fit software? I would like to help my partner adjust her hearing aids.

Hi there, great your willing to help out, but do read the user guides and get familiar with ProFit software before jumping in, it’s all pretty easy enough tho, you’ll also need the correct programming device depending on which models she has, also you’ll need patient base.