Looking for Red and Blue Ear Side Indicator Windows for Rechargeable Phonak P90-R's (Happy to pay)


An alternative. Though it’s not as pretty as red and blue :stuck_out_tongue:

Before you put your hearing aids on;

  • Hold one hearing aid up near the (side and front) of your head about 6 or 8 inches away
  • Glance at that hearing aid
  • If the receiver points inwards toward your ear it’s the correct side
  • If the receiver points out away from your head it’s on the wrong side



I just use the direction of the earpiece to tell and I generally put mine on in very dim light. Alternatively, grab some red nail polish and put a dab somewhere on the aid. Having differentiated one, you don’t need to differentiate the other, so skip the blue polish!


The receiver is red or blue to indicate right or left.

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Red is right ear and Blue is left ear.


I remember many years ago I was cleaning my aids, replacing the tubing etc. When it came time to put everything back together I noticed no red or blue marking. No way to know which is right or which is left. Had to go back to audiologist. I don’t know anything about any added protection that those markings provide.

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Yeah I’d you replaced the tubing on BTE I could see that. Users do not remove the receivers on RITE and they are distinctly shaped per ear.

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HMm; I remove the receivers on RIC/RITE hearing aids. How else can I change them? :wink:

What is distinctly shaped per ear? There is no right or left hearing aid until they are designated as right or left. At least that is my understanding until someone shows me different. Here’s a link;

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I remember taking that tubing off cleaning everything, putting new tubing into the molds and the sitting there going uhhhh. Live and learn.


You remove the receiver wires from the aids? The domes clicked to the receivers normally are what is changed.

The left and right wires are shaped differently. You see that in the picture you posted

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Yep, it’s fairly easy. Here’s a link → Oticon Receivers

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How often do you need to change them?

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Oh, do you mean do receivers last a long time? Yes they do. Multiple years even.

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So you only get confused about left and right every several years ? Try changing the receivers one at a time instead of removing both.

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Hi All,

Thanks for your suggestions.

I have no issue telling which ear is which, it’s more for a protection point of view.

It does look as though the coloured bits do provide a bit of extra protection, where the serial number stickers are, as there is a gap/hole without them in place.

Thanks again.

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No suggestions here, but I just learned that the little red and blue indicators have lettering on them. Been wearing these for two years and never noticed that until I saw your post with the picture.

I think the lettering is underneath the red/blue indicators;


I have some extra if your still looking!

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Funny, mine are equally missing (new Phonak Audéo P90s), noted that only weeks after I got them last year. Will ask for the tags when I see my audioprothesist next time around.