Thanks for everyone who tried to help in one way or another regarding the credit card limit.
All of that has drained me mentally and physically. In the end, I went with an option below the limit that I could pay at once.
Now, I’m on the lookout for Noahlink and Roger On (or any other accessories you think I should buy). If anyone knows where I can find good/ cheap deals with good qualities, please let me know.
P.s. I checked eBay but the prices are quite high, especially for the mic.
OK, I just see this thread here. What make/model did you end up getting? You say it was the “option below the limit that I could pay at once”, so I hope it is one that will work for your hearing.
I wonder if you could contact Phonak in Egypt to get their aids and/or the Roger and pay for them locally:
Opera Retail & Service Center Cairo
6 Suez Canal St, Safeer Sq.
Heliopolis, Cairo, PB.11361
I did contact Phonak Egypt before deciding to buy them online from eBay. The price was triple what I was offered online.
As for the accessories, in general, there is a lack of these items in all companies in Egypt; Phonak, Widex, Oticon. So again, I have to look for them online and of course with reasonable rates.
The economic situation is going from bad to worse so far and all the red tape they have makes it worse!