Looking for an Android app that will make changes to Phonak L30's

The 30 tech can change volume control separted in the App, so you can independently contol volume for left and right ears. But the equalisation can not contolled separate for left/right. And the higher priced models 79 / 90 also can not do that via the App. Have checked this with my L90 and equalizer is controlling left and right side instantly together, no separation button for the equalizer available in the MyPhonak App.


My bad. MyPhonak app does independent volume changes for left and right. What I’m after is the ability to change the programs/frequencies for the left and right, independently.

I thought that was clear from the DIY discussion that this thread evolved to early on, but you know how the written word is; was clear in my mind… LOL…

Sorry, Nick

Also, I am now understanding that none of the Audeo Lumity models provide that capability via the MyPhonak, contrary to what some might infer from the above.

for changing separate frequencies (Bass,Mid,Highs) you could try and check this in the App and make notes of your like. But finaly the programming of the frequency response need to be done in the Target software

Maybe this helps:

You could hand out your notes to your audi to change the gain settings in these frequency ranges

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