Loaner aid won't connect to bluetooth

My audi paired the loaner left aid with my right in his office. My old programs were installed. It’s a relief to have my left aid functioning again. But once at home, after charging that puppy up, it won’t connect to my signai app OR on the iphone "my hearing aid’ program. Worse, since the right aid DOES connect, I can’t get the ‘pair your aids’ feature to appear. Not a big deal as I can manually change programs. What am I doing wrong, or is this just how it is with loaners? and am I right that it’s the fact that one aid does connect that shuts me out of pairing my aids>=?

You need to unpair the aids and pair again. The aids actually pair separately even though they work as a pair.

I uninstalled the Signia app and then reinstalled it. Twice. I was unable to establish a bluetooth connection. The app referred me to my iphone for pairing the aids. I’ve done this before.But for some reason the whole ‘pair your aids’ function just doesn’t come up on my iphone under hearing devices. I’m flummoxed. Otherwise I’d unpair and then re-pair them. As I’ve done before. It’s probably just me missing something obvious.

I hope you get your answer, but i know the issues i had with iPhone was thatbi had to pair to the iPhone and the app separately. With my Samsung S23 I pair and unpair through the app.

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actually when I manually change programs both aids respond. Even when I change using the button on the left aid. so I guess they ARE paired? and it’s jsut the left, loaner aid that won’t connect on bluetooth?

So, you went into setting and manually clicked “forget” on each hearing aid then shut off and turned back on the hearing aids to repair them?

This doesn’t really have anything to do with the app.



WhiteHat, I think you nailed it. Jeffrey, you don’t just unpair the aids, both aids have to be FORGOTTEN and completely removed from your iPhone’s BT.

For good measure, turn both aids OFF; then turn BT OFF on your phone. Then turn your phone OFF. Then turn the phone back ON, then BT ON. Finally, turn the aids back ON and see if BT “finds” them. If so, they will be paired. So you’d only need to click on the aids under the BT menu and actually connect them.

Last step is to make a call and ensure they stream! I always call my Medicare insurance provider cuz I know NO HUMAN will answer the phone! Instead, I get the robo-attendant and I can tell right away if I’m streaming or not. One of these days, they’ll get wise to me and block my number, cuz I’ve called them about 1,000 times this past year to see if I’m streaming.

Good luck to you and let us know what your solution is.

If the aids have different firmware versions it can cause issues with the bluetooth conectivity. This is something which needs to be rectified through the signia software

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thanks. It’s just this sort of thing that makes me reluctant to go further. The aids are working with manual changes of programs. I’ll leave it at that until my old/new aid is repaired and returned. i can live without the phone streaming on my left aid.