I just requested and received a copy of my last/only audiogram from 2011. It kind of looks like the Little Dipper. I tried a couple of different hearing aids at that time but I just wasn’t satisfied with the benefit vs cost. I returned them and haven’t been wearing HAs since. I also have tinnitus in both ears. Add to that a little background noise and it pretty quickly gets challenging to converse.
Fast forward to today. My hearing hasn’t gotten any better. My wife suggested that I should reconsider hearing aids. I told her that I thought they were too expensive. She asked me if I thought a divorce would be less? Next weekend, I have an appointment at Costco for a hearing test. I’m interested to hear their recommendation.
Going to Costco is a good idea. Take your wife with you. They will likely explain to her that hearing aids aren’t going to “fix” your hearing and give her some ideas of things she can do to help out. So your posted audiogram is 13-14 years old? Your hearing is likely worse. Assuming you’ve been unaided all that time, hearing aids are going to take awhile to get used to. Things will likely seem way too loud initially.
Modern hearing aids from Costco allow you to use your smartphone to answer phone calls thru your aids. If that is something that would interest you be sure to talk about phone capabilities based on your smartphone and the aids they recommend. Some aids connect better with certain phones.
Thanks for your suggestion on bringing my wife when I go for the hearing test. I’m planning to do so.
I am primarily focused on hearing aid function. For me the other stuff is nice to have but not core to my decision.
Can I sell that quip to a comedian I know?
That is priceless.
BTW @MDB gave you great advice, he may just save your marriage!!
She offered that quip in a half humorous tone. Recognizing that much truth is said in jest, I got her point loud and clear. “Your hearing deficit is frustrating me too. You need to address it.”
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to Costco we go.
I just got back from Costco. Yes, my hearing has degraded considerably over the last 13/14 yrs.
Is there a way to post two audiograms to show a side by side comparison?