LiteTip hollow mold in VarioTherm?

I tried to order a LiteTip in silicone VarioTherm through Costco. This shows as an option on the VA’s order form so in theory Costco should be able to order them - Costco is not able to order everything from Demant. I don’t think they ordered it correctly as it is not hollow similar to the acrylic LiteTip - there’s just a vent and a channel for the receiver to push through. The person who ordered it is new and not trained enough. I wonder if he specified a “soft material” instead of VarioTherm and so I got a Micro Mold instead of a LiteTip. VarioTherm looks to be a clear material instead of a matte silicone color?

Can I otherwise identify soft silicone versus the VarioTherm material? Anyone have a photo of one? I included a photo of mold I received. The receiver is not fit all the way to the end of the mold as on the other side - is there a tool to push that all the way in? It’s interesting having an essentially closed fit experiment, but I think these will go back as there’s not enough venting for me.

Oticon LiteTips are avaliable in acrylic, VarioTherm, or OtoTherm, but not soft silicone. It looks like soft silicone was specified first, which in turn means you’re getting a solid Micro Mold. Regardless, the receiver should go to the end of the earmold, and there is a black tool that is shipped with the earmold we use to push the receiver in completely.

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I don’t think Costco gets the small tool as I watched them open the package. Instead the receivers are pre-installed so it came this way.

What is the difference between OtoThem and VarioTherm? Would one material be able to supply a larger vent? Is durability better for one versus the other?

VarioTherm and OtoTherm are materials that are rigid but become flexible with heat. VarioTherm I believe is made by a third party in Austria, and over the last several months has had a longer turnaround. OtoTherm is made by Oticon, so turnaround is much quicker. VarioTherm is more opaque than OtoTherm, but I also find that the shell on VarioTherm LiteTips is thinner than those made with OtoTherm. In my experience, ventability and durability are pretty much equal.

LiteTip in OtoTherm and VarioTherm would be hollow like the acrylic? The largest vent size for an acrylic LiteTip seems to be ~1.2mm (it’s not that easy to measure with my calipers and in a different orientation I get ~1.3mm). Is the largest vent size similar in the other materials?

These are hard when inserted and then soften for comfort. Are they hard to reinsert when warm or does it firm up quickly? With the acrylic I get a good deal of clicking when moving my jaw and the mold can work out over time. I’m hoping these other materials will be more comfortable. I’ll add back a canal lock too which for some reason was left off my last set.

I have not experienced a significant difference in size of vents available between VT and OT. However, ventability does change between LiteTip and MircoMolds. Specifically, MicroMolds typically can accommodate larger vents because there’s less of a concern about compromising durability. Regarding insertion ease, the effects of heat and softness are fairly short-lasting when the earmold is out of the ear and I am removing or replacing receivers. I have yet to have an insertion issue stemming from the heat softening function of VT and OT.

As far as migration out of the canal, a canal lock or a skeleton mold would be most effective at preventing movement.

The effective size of the vent is a function of it’s actual size and the length of the hole. Even if MicroMold can accommodate a larger diameter vent isn’t the effective size often larger with a hollow mold because the vent is so short? With cookie bite it is hard to get the venting working well. Do you suggest trying something other than a hollow mold?

Turns out Costco can’t order these. For LiteTip it is acrylic only at Costco. They thought I might be able to have an audiologist order it off my mold on file with Demant. If anyone knows of a place that is better priced for molds, I might give that a try and have them shipped to me.