Just back from church … no luck again… the individual that was supposed to know about it didn’t show up… no clue what the problem/issue is… in fiddling with it today, I did see that it showed that it was using “airplay” … does that have anything to do with it?
Yes, I think “AirPlay” is involved. Clicking on AirPlay may allow you to select your hearing aids for the audio output. Have you clicked on Support in the ListenWifi app? It will generate an email inquiry that is automatically populated with the following:
App Version:
iOS Version:
iPhone Version:
Device wireless IP address
Appliance Version:
Server ID:
I’m sorry you couldn’t get it to work today. This does not seem to be very user-friendly. I believe you’ll get it figured out soon.
I’ll see the next time I’m at the venue to see if the app will populate the inquiry… I have NO idea what the Server ID is,etc …
Update: It’s a MIRACLE
I decided to swing by church this morning to see if I could get the server ID,etc to submit to the support folks… I stood right outside, connected to the church wifi, opened the listenwifi app, clicked on the “church” channel, and voila - it worked! Sounded great ! Only thing that did not work was when I clicked on the “speaker” icon , the voice still went to my hearing aids, but I doubt I’ll the speaker function so it’s not a big deal… I’m asking both the church folks and the listenwifi folks if it’s possible that the system was turned “off” on Saturday … I wouldn’t think the app and church channel would show up if the equipment was turned off, but I’m not familiar enough with it to know… I’m hoping it will work next Saturday … I also can’t imagine that being outside the church would make a difference? Also, I did not see the “airplay” that I saw yesterday … not sure what happened… stay tuned …
Update (February 22) - I went to church yesterday (22nd) - met with the support folks … it DID work - it’s still unclear why it didn’t work before - I suspect it’s because someone didn’t turn the system on completely… there’s no way to tell in the listenwifi app if the system’s on or not … now for the not-so-good news: the latency was pretty bad - to the point of being unusable … I’ll have to decide if I want to keep using it … if anyone has any other ideas to mitigate this, I’m all ears I did try turning OFF the mics (using Companion app) , that made a marginal improvement but still not enough…