Lip Reading Classes

First, a statement: If this is not allowed here, please let me know. My purpose is to help others with hearing challenges, and this announcement pertains to the learning of a lifelong skill that helps. Since it is about a 12-hour course, there are charges; it is not a subsidized plan. If there is a different format on which this is postable instead, please let me know, Thank you.

Exciting Announcement: Sherlock Method Lip Reading Courses :female_detective:

Unlock the power of communication with our upcoming Lip Reading courses using the renowned “Sherlock” method! :man_detective:

Are you ready to enhance your ability to understand conversations, even in challenging situations? Our courses are designed to help you develop essential lip reading skills that will make a world of difference in your daily life.

:clock3: Class Options: (Days and times vary – request schedule by Messaging me)

  • :sun_with_face: Hourly Morning Classes: Start your day right with bite-sized, information-packed sessions.
  • :sunrise: 90-Minute Afternoon Classes: Convenient, mid-day learning to fit your schedule.
  • :calendar: 3 Saturday 4-Hour Marathon Classes: Dive deep into lip reading over intensive Saturday sessions.

:clock1: Course Details:

  • :date: Duration: Spread over time, our courses consist of 12 hours of comprehensive training.
  • :film_projector: Format: All classes are fully captioned and delivered online, ensuring accessibility for all.

Have questions or need more information? Feel free to message us, and we will be happy to assist you.

Ready to embark on this journey to improved communication? :rocket: Visit our website at to secure your spot today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your lip reading skills and enhance your everyday interactions. Join us on this transformative learning adventure with the “Sherlock” method. :handshake::lips: