Hello. The posts in the forum have bean very useful to me, thank you all.
Costco Philips 9040: Is it possible to duplicate Speech in Noise program with different fittings?
Welcome to the forum, so do you mean with different formula’s like Oticon, if so unfortunately you can’t do that with Phillips Hearsuite, or do you mean something else.
I would like to get the link to the software for my 9050’s , I have a Noahlink
Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting.
I’m new to this site and hearing aids and do want/need to go down the DIY track. I would love the link for Philips HearSuite software.
thank you
Currently wearing Philips 9030’s from Costco. Ready to give DIY programming a go with these HAs. I already have a Noahlink wireless 2 but need the Philips HearSuite software, please.
Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting, as you already have Noahlink wireless you’ll be up and running in no time.
I just got my first Philips aids, the 9050s, and I feel the need to do some experimentation with the settings, so it is time for me to give DIY a go. Please let me know where to get the software.
Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.
I would like to get the link to the software for my 9050’s. I have a Noahlink.
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, please be sure to research and read the user guides before starting your DIY projects as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.
Hi, nice to hear that you have the HearSuite fitting software .Will you help me too, to obtain it.Thanks in advance.
Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.
Hi Tenkan - I haven’t been having good luck with my local Costco and want to give DIY a shot. Picking up a Noahlink wireless this week. Could you message me a link for the current Phillips Hearsuite software?
Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting as this is very helpful for setting up the first time.
Hi Tenkan, Finally gave up on the Jabra Pro 20 hearing aids, and got the Philips HearLink 9050, which are much better sounding (at least for my hearing loss). So I’m removing the ReSound Smart Fit software and would like to get the Philips HearSuite software. I would appreciate getting a PM with the link. Thanks
Hi there can i please have a link to hearsuite i have philips hearing aid i want to tinker with. Thanks very much
Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.
I posted yesterday that I too am interested in doing DIY programming of my Philips hearing aids and need the link for the HearSuite software. Thanks
Hi there, yeah sorry I’ll sort this out, but great your giving DIY a go, be sure to do some research and read the user guides before starting, you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.