Likely future for KS10 hearing aids?

I’m about midway through my warranty on my KS10 hearing aids. Apart from a charging issue fixed under warranty, no major problems.

Despite harbouring a fervent hope that Sonova and Costco decide to try again and return to a happier relationship, I’m wondering what the future availability of parts and servicing will be.

Presumably there will be no further firmware updates (Paradise now not being Phonak’s platform) or app updates?

Time to start saving for whatever comes after Lumity?

COSTCO was slow to bring HA’s to Canada. And then there were only a few…

I wouldn’t hesitate to buy there if I needed new ones. Because I’ve had real issues with setup with two pair of Phonaks. Both were set up by audiologists. There are good audiologists out there. But finding one has been extremely frustrating. Talking about Mississauga/Oakville/Burlington. I have a real aversion of going into Toronto. Bad bad memories of commuting for a job.

I think that COSTCO markets hearing aids like they market peanut butter. Get them at the lowest price. They have the clout to do that. But when contract comes up it’s a new game. And when they had KS10’s set up I bet they had unique features.

Toronto. Well just west of there.

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I wouldn’t expect any real issues regarding parts and servicing. They have to honor the 3 year warranty and I wouldn’t expect any issues out to at least 5 years. If you like geeking out on what the latest and greates is (I plead guilty) there’s no harm on keeping abreast of what’s out there, but if you just want your hearing aids to work, I think it’s quite reasonable to stick with KS10 until they don’t meet your needs and then see what Costco offers at that time. (I’m thinking next gen Phillips (9050?) might be interesting.

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Years ago Costco used to sell Oticon HA. One of mine broke during year 2 of a 3-year warranty period. The AU told me that Costco had broken their relationship with the company and could no longer get that aid serviced. Instead, they gave me a brand new Siemans aid as a replacement. Costco has always amazed me in regards to their customer service.