LE Audio and the Future of Hearing

not likely, if you look at the release pattern of 2 firmware update within 1 year of it release… one at 6 month and another at 1 year… and probably, bug fixes for 3 years

Yeah I think your right about that, only so many firmware updates before a new platform release, which seems to be 2 years now.

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It seems strange to me that you can use them to record some weird proprietary audio format but you can’t listen to music using LE Audio? Samsung press release:

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OTH, if you look at the One PR on ReSound Pro, the rubric for the One is still something like that the One has “future-proof Bluetooth Low-Energy” and I think there was a post or two on the forum by folks that claimed a ReSound rep had told them that the One would be upgradeable to BT LE Audio (it has BT 5.2). I wouldn’t call a BT LE device that can’t be upgraded to BT LE Audio very future-proof!!! OTH, conspiracy theory here: Was it Apple that found BT 5.2 not good enough for its BT LE Audio purposes, hence BT 5.3 and the hold-up on the official release of BT LE Audio as a finished product? Maybe the Omnia, which is very similar to the One except for the supposed improvements in Front Focus vs. Ultrafocus, was issued simply because the One wasn’t good enough for Apple’s plans for BT LE Audio, but the Omnia might be? (Don’t know what the truth is, am just looking to start another good conspiracy theory!).


the protocol let’s you be independent in in left and right bidirectional.

Apple have nothing to do with resound plans and BT 5.2 is enough to support this. It is entirely possible that the One could support BT LEA. Based on the information, this is good news! I am not ruling that out. The improvement that 5.3 over 5.2 is just to lower power consumption… Apple just supported the LE Audio through tBluetooth SIG

See my research on Resound LEWIS platform.

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So that’s the beauty of LE Audio, there’s no Android/Apple dancing around ,MFi streaming will be just a distraction, one for all with LE Audio right?

it is the true successor to ASHA/MFI protocol because no company want to maintain proprietary protocol…

Brilliant,I was hoping this was the case, well I hope Jim and you are right that the One’s have a chance of getting LE.

Interesting news about Apple supporting LE Audio, but I don’t see anything from Apple when I do a search for products with BAP and CAP. Seems like we’re still at a point that if one wants LE Audio, one should buy with extreme caution. Samsung supports BAP and CAP in their latest Fold and Flip models that have BT 5.2, but have several other models that have BT 5.3 that don’t support BAP and CAP.
Hopefully things become more clear as the year progresses.


Do you consider NRF Connect a reliable tool to determine if a device is LE Audio compatible?

I have not looked into that and i don’t use it that often but it is made by the same company that makes the GN LEWIS 4 to 7 hardware platform

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Another “conspiracy theory,” ReSound hasn’t announced any BT LE Audio firmware upgrade for the Omnia et al., because it’s politely waiting for its other Danish partner in MFi HA’s to come out with its latest model, which will also be BT LE Audio compatible (a search seems to show that the More only has BT 5.0). Why be nice to the competition? Because BT LE Audio compatibility will mean more if there are More (pun not intended) players. Both Oticon and ReSound were significant members of the BT LE Audio Bluetooth SIG.

I brought the new M2 macbook pro 14 inch with the new Bluetooth 5.3 chipset!


So you’re confident Apple will come to the LE Audio party?

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Yes, why do you think Mac division of Apple didn’t use MFI protocol to stream audio?

Mac is a open standard based computer such as USB, POSIX//Unix, and Bluetooth.

Also, Apple have been involved in LE Audio protocol solution. this is a win for Apple because other devices can use Apple version of LE audio interface, Low energy Audio is apple way of lowering power consumption of their computer/phones/tablets, they don’t want some high drain radio wrecking havoc on their core product lowering battery life…

Apple is bringing LE audio to their earbud / headpone because they aren’t going to keep using the BT Classic solution for their earbud/ headphones to make room for even smaller earbud that they envision and BT classic is definitely a limiting factor in their effort for longer battery life and other limitation like phonak is struggling to solve with their SWORD 3.0 chip…

Apple brought Beats by Dr. Dre company and makes Beats headphones/earbuds as well. Those are targeted for both Android and IOS devices

Source: Bluetooth SIG


Interesting read: Nothing really new. Basic takeaway is that it’s going to take quite awhile to become widespread and that it doesn’t work with “lossless” codecs. Bluetooth LE Audio might not be the winner we all think it is - Android Authority

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I thought the iPhone & MFi hearing aids have been doing Bluetooth LE with multiple audio streams for over 10 years. They could not legally use the Bluetooth LE name unless it was sanctioned by the Bluetooth SIG.

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Big difference between Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth LE Audio. Apple has been using their proprietary version of LE Bluetooth (Made for iPhone) for years. LE Audio is a universal Bluetooth standard.