KS10 Bluetooth Noise

Wondering if anyone else has this problem and what you have done about it, short of turning BT off. Whenever I surf the internet or any with ads - they trigger my hearing aids and you can hear a white noise, like a static. This is on the iphone 12 with latest ios. I have tried everything to get it to stop including not to auto play videos which it seems ads are the exception to that. Also, some apps, like snap, stream the outgoing message “pop” noise to my HA’s and there is no way to get rid of it even with phone on silent. Has anyone been able to get rid of all these phantom noises and interference?

I just push disconnect R-KS hearing aid under blue tooth. I leave blue tooth on. When I want to stream, I click on the R-KS hearing aid and it reconnects to allow streaming. Other option is to go into the easy line app while streaming and adjust the slider to 0% ambient. It is the ambient that makes the noise. This setting will hold until you close the easy line app.

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