KS10 and Made for Iphone (MFI)

Hello, new to this forum but not new to hearing aids. Started wearing them 15 years ago when an autoimmune disease damaged my ears.

This week I purchased the KS10’s at Costco after my Resound hearing aids started clicking on and off due to moisture. I live in the humid south and my ears sweat and, well, moisture is bound to happen. I tolerated that for about a year and finally decided to purchase some new ones.

Of course it’s only been a few days but I do like the KS10 hearing aids. However, I am NOT liking that these aids are not MFI. Why was this taken out? From what I understand the KS9’s were MFI. ALL sounds come through my hearing aids when the phone is not on silent and it is quite annoying and probably a deal breaker.

Is there any other way to set which sounds come through my hearing aids? I just want phone calls, podcast streaming, and videos/music. I don’t need to hear the text “ding!” every time. That’s why I have the hearing aids!

Thanks for any suggestions.


KS-9s and KS-10s were Sonova manufactured (the parent company of Phonak) and thus not MFI. Sonova does universal access as opposed to MFI. Aids with Costco Kirkland Signature branding prior to KS-9 may have been MFI, I dunno. Costco chooses the company & model for ea new KS version for their own reasons, but they don’t make any of the aids themselves, so it isn’t like the MFI “was taken out”. There are advantages and disadvantages to each kind of BT compatibility.


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If you want MFi, return them and get a Jabra (Resound), Phillips or Rexton. The KS10 are great aids, but as you know are not MFi. KS9 was not either. KS8 was (Rexton) KS7 (also Rexton) had no bluetooth.
You could turn off notifications.

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Just purchased the Kirkland Signature 10. They connect really well with my iPhone! But, you’re correct, there are advantages/disadvantages to BT. There’s a definite place for BT. However, give me the telecoil any time. Make sure they coil is in your hearing aids (free) or check & have it turned on if it’s already there. If you don’t know about the coil, you’d be in for a huge surprise if you experienced it. It’s 100% clear no nonsense hearing. Problem is most don’t know about it & no one tells anyone. There’s even a portable unit. It can be used at counters, etc. It’s only around $300. All counters open to the public should be equipped with it, or at least one counter. Imagine having it in your doctor’s exam room. Wow, hear all 100% and the doc could take it to his next room! It’s 100% great. People need to find out about it and ask for it everywhere! I’m really passionate about it. I LOVE it!

It is in none of the places I frequent. I looked up the locations near me, and I think I was in maybe 5 places ever, and that was very infrequent. I wouldn’t give up a program slot in my HAs for it based on that even if my HAs had it.

I’m glad it is wonderful for you. I just think people should check out where it is available and useful for them before they jump into it.