Just a Costco gripe

Got a phone call at 9:30 last night from my friend/neighbor asking if I could retube his hearing aids. I have been taking care of his hearing since 1983 but after retiring and not having the volume buying discount, I suggested he go to Costco for his last hearing aids (basically Naida 90) because he could get them for basically my old wholesale cost.
I have had to reprogram them two or three times after Costco could not get it right. Last night with the retube, he had just had it done three days before (160 mile roundtrip) and he was getting alot of feedback. They cut the tubes too short and had the wrong angle coming out of the earmold. I guess you get what you pay for but a simple retube should be able to be done correctly. Like I said, it is just a gripe and not indicative to all Costco service.


Hi @gorgeguy…Having retubed literally many dozens of aids, we where trained to do this by the NHS A.uD’s, whilst working via a council run, Social Work initiative (Deaf Services). We provided a service, covering an area the size of Belgium :belgium:, for mainly elderly folks around the Scottish Highlands & Islands whom might not be able to travel up to 200 miles, in order to get their ear hooks & tubing renewed, we also issued free batteries… We only had one NHS Audiology Department in Inverness, covering all the Highland & Islands. I find it difficult to contemplate, how anyone can make a basic error of cutting tubing too short, and yes you might occasionally cut them short, that’s if you don’t use the old tube as a template… I always cut long, by 2 or 3mm, you can take some off, but you can’t add some on :rofl: Cheers Kev :wink:


Even with remote hearing aid adjustments, I’m not sure Costco is the right place to go for hearing aids if you live that far away from one.

Unfortunately, we have one individual who had to go to three different independent hearing aid centers before getting the hearing aid properly adjusted. So even if you don’t go to Costco, you can still get a poor fitting.

Anyhow, it"s nice of you for taking care of your neighbor.

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Bingo on the BUTTON. That is why I’d rather pay MORE and have a dedicated audi to take care of my hearing issues. I’m no DIYer, and BLESS YOU 1,000 times over for looking after your friend/neighbor even in your retirement. There is a special place in Heaven (um, assuming there’s a Heaven, but no proof yet?) for folks like you.

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I’m lucky in having found a very good and competent private provider. The up front cost is more than Costco, but the service is very close by, the fitting is excellent, they provide loaner aids if repairs are required, and they know me. there’s a dozen little things they’ve done for me for free as well, usually within a day or two. I can walk in for a cleaning. To me, this is worth paying the up front cost. But I realize this is not a typical situation for most people, where audis are few and far between.

Costco can provide similar service, from all that I’ve read here. So they seem a good option as well.