Jabra Pro 20 vs Philip 9040 From Costco

Well at least you know it’s coming to Costco


I noticed the latest Costco magazine has an add for 9040s. I wonder if Costco is waiting until they reduce inventory or their commitment to buying a certain number of sets to a level they’ll accept before starting to sell 9050s.

This has been a great thread. Only if the Rexton aids were included would it be better. Looking forward to the 9050 aids.

I try to follow the Costco threads for advice in making a decision for my wife’s next set of aids. Her KS9 aids are getting older but still work great. She uses an iPhone.



Well my 89-year-old dad went from older hearing aids that he barely wore and he spent too much on to the Philips 9040s which he is now wearing all the time.

My partner went from the KS10s to the Jabra EP 20s which she likes the sound of much better.

These are my first hearing aids and I really love the Jabra EP 20s myself. I wear them all the time. It’s so much better to hear with now.

Service from the three of us from three different HCPs has all been good.


I think it’s more likely until they get the go ahead from Demant

I just got new pro 20’s and have the Resound One and i dont like these aids after 3 days of wearing. Comprehension is improved, but everything else is worse. Feedback is an issue where my One’s never had feedback, even at my gains. Also the programs seem to change internally when in All Around, which i never notice on my One’s. The noise suppression keeps cutting in and out way to often. The feedback while in my car listening to my radio is bad. I will give them a chance to fix these issues but will also be trialing the Phillips 9050 when it comes out. As is, i would return these. Hoping a different HIS can improve things. Right now not happy at all.

I was waiting for the 9050s to come since first hearing of them in February, but they have kept being delayed so I finally got my - first - hearing aids, Pro 20, third week in April. In retrospect, it has been a great move since obviously the Phillips have not come out yet still. I was thinking I might trade for the 9050 when it came out. But frankly, I am very pleased with the Jabras, the software and app coming around to really work for me after fiddling, and some improvements via my NoahLink and Resound software… and at this point plan on keeping them even upon introduction of the 9050. I will observe the reception and reported performance of the Phillips once it comes out, and will be interested to see how the physical attribute of it being wider and shorter is received. But at this point I will ‘ride the Jabras out’ and see what new AI etc is around once they have run their course. I also dont feel completely right buying and planning to trade perfectly fine HAs in for new just for the upgrade. If they were truly unsuitable for me, that’d be different.

Interestingly I was in Costco today and dropped my EP 20s off for a clean, asked about the 9050, as I usually do. Specialist was unaware of them, said 9040 is the current one. Technically true…but interesting that seemingly everyone in the HA ‘community’ is aware of the 9050s…except for many of the people who actually will be fitting/servicing them.

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Feedback is a fitting issue. Either the settings are wrong in the software, or you’re not wearing the aids the way you did when they were set up. My reco is to call Costco, outline the problem, and ask for an appointment for re-fitting.

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Done. Have upcoming appointment. It sucks that many Costco techs are crap, in my experience. I also self program but wanted to give Costco a chance before i dive into SmartFit. Costco hates when we self adjust and I could care less but willing to give them a few adjustments till i do.

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This hasn’t been my or my wife’s experience at all. The audiologist/fitters have all been very good.

This is not the case for me. The Costco fitter I had was very welcome to my self programming. He actually wanted to know my thoughts on programming.

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Well, I’m in the los angeles area and that’s how all the costcos are here. I will probably just be returning these AIDS. I can’t stand the constant shifting program. Or constant shifting sounds or constant. Shifting noise suppression whatever it is, it’s irritating and not acceptable.

There’s no option to disable the automatic program switching so that you can have control over manually switching programs by yourself instead?

Not sure if it can be turned off. It cant in the app. Im sure its supposed to be a useful feature, why i dont know. Not sure why i would keep new aids and turn off features i paid for. I would rather return and find a compatible aid for me. But willing to give them a chance to correct, but dont have much faith in Costco

I am curious what Directionality your Ones were set to in their default program.

Edit: I found this:

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I will try to look in smartfit. My One’s are being serviced under warranty currently

Where are you that Costco has audiologists? By me they are fitters. Not one is a licensed audiologist.

Texas, San Antonio.
The store we frequent has an audiologist and 2 trained and licensed fitters.
Check out what Costco filters have to have education wise. Compare that to an audiologist. You might be surprised.


The audiologist I use (not Costco) has a doctorate. I would be very surprised if the fitters at my local Costco have doctorates in audiology.

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To fit hearing aids for folks with simple hearing losses, a licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist should have adequate training to do the job effectively without needing a doctorate degree in audiology. But of course a Doctor of Audiology would have more training to be able to deal with patients who have more complicated hearing issues and hearing losses that are more complicated to fit properly.


I used to think that a university-trained audiologist made a big difference, but after working with a long-time (20 yrs) fitter at Costco, I no longer think so. Much of that university training is not really necessary for a good fitting, it seems to me. I’m wearing Costco’s Jabra EP20s and am very satisfied.