Jabra Pro 10 (or the new Pro 20) M&RIE (3rd mic)?

Rather than rambling on as I did, I think a much shorter reply would have been better. That is, we should average over the experience of all reported Costcos and user experiences with the M&RIE receivers rather than rely on a particular Costco or Costco fitter or me for advice. On the forum, there certainly has been a wide range of experience at Costcos, audis, and with users, e.g., different Costcos favor the Phillips vs. the Jabras, or vice-versa, etc.

The M&RIE mics reside just inside the opening of the ear canal on most users, so undoubtedly, the filters are there to guard against stray wax, especially in inserting and removing receivers. But in my experience, the worst opportunity for wax to spread around is in my Omnia plastic case, which is provided for disposable battery versions of the Omnia. I think it must be from static electricity as I walk across the floor holding the case or maybe just the vibration and rubbing of the receivers on their wires as I walk. After overnight air drying, wax debris is all over the place in the case when I go to open the case at my cleaning table. But since the M&RIE mics still basically point down with the receivers pointing up in the air on their wires, the mics remain very clean, I vacuum up as much wax as possible with a consumer-version Jodi-Vac (bought on Amazon), but then I have a blower that I bought on Amazon (to blow dust out of computer insides when I take the opened case outdoors). https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082XR3987/ I wet our kitchen sink bowl with the sink sprayer and try to blow out any remaining wax debris from the case down into the wetted bowl so I’m not blowing it all around the kitchen (too much of a hassle to go outside as for a computer/electronic device cleaning). (using a can of compressed air might be an alternative to the blower).

Air dry? Whoa. Wow. I’ve been closing the case in which I store my Jabras at night, even though nothing short of a big earthquake will cause me to lose them on the 340 days of the year that I’m home. At 79, I sweat a lot less than I used to, but allowing the aids to air dry makes sense.

Thanks for mentioning that, Jim.

.You never can tell what words will have impact… :slightly_smiling_face:

I mostly close the case but prop open the latch side of the case (opposite the hinge) with the handle end of an old toothbrush. So the HA’s are mostly covered by the lid of the case, but air can circulate in and out. It’s very dry inside a house in San Antonio, TX. Rare for inside humidity to go above 60% whereas outside at night, strangely enough, it’s quite humid, often well over 80% humidity much of the year despite daytime dryness.

Thanks, guys! Jim Lewis, I have copied your post on cleaning into a file in my “Hearing” folder!

Jim G

Ron: Naturally, I prefer the Jabra Pro 20, but only if availability is now or very soon. neither me or my wife are willing to wait some undetermined availability date.

Jim G

It seems it is available for order at some Costco’s since Nov 8. Here is a thread about them at Costco’s.
I would be patient since you are spending a lot for something you will have for quite a few years.

From the thread:
" [AlanFriend]
11/8/23 - I just got home from Costco in Wenatchee, WA. Had a hearing test and ordered the new Jabra Enhance Pro 20. The HIS said they became available this past Monday for order. Mine will be fitted on November 20th."

Just fyi, I went yesterday to my local Costco in the Los Angeles area and they now have the Pro 20 in stock for trial and ordering.


I upgraded from Pro 10 to Pro 20 yesterday and requested the M&RIE receiver but they said I was not a good candidate due to my hearing profile and that the standard receiver would give me better results. After reading several positive experiences from people having a similar hearing loss, I went back today and told them I wanted to try the M&RIE receivers anyhow. They agreed to a trial and I got it with the tulip domes. I am totally blown away with the results. I can hear much better, especially with speech recognition and TV viewing. I use TV streaming a lot and discovered that with the M&RIE I can adequately watch TV at normal volume without steaming, although I still use it since the audio quality has totally spoiled me. It’s only been a day but I already know that I will not go back. I experienced no feedback or any other negative results so far using the tulip domes.


Did you notice any improvements of the 20 over the 10?

I appreciate this posting, as I too ordered the Jabra Pro 20 with M&RIE from Costco on 11-15, and am expecting to pick them up 11-28. They will be my first hearing aids.

I realize that many audis tell their clients that the M&RIE does not work for some people, despite the Jabra / ReSound claims. But, I suspect that may be because many users do not understand how important getting the right ear fit and venting is when those 3rd microphones are present, and don’t know how to accurately describe their issues when they occur, or because some audis might not “have the time” to troubleshoot a fitting that is exhibiting problems, and just recommend removing the M&RIE. I can see this occurring especially in a high volume selling and fitting environment.

I hope I am wrong about that suspicion. I know that I will not easily “give up” on the M&RIE feature and will work with my audi to troublshoot and solve any issues that might occur for me. If the beenfits are there, it is worth being persistent.

Jim G


No, the 20’s seemed to provide the same level of hearing assistance as the 10’s until I got the M&RIE receivers but I did like the smaller size and tap control feature. Also I am looking forward to the Auracast TV streaming. You can get the TV Streamer+ for $300 but Costco doesn’t sell it yet. Instead I bought an Auracast streamer called VOCE Bluetooth Broadcast Transceiver from Walmart for $70 that transmits Auracast but it hasn’t arrived yet so I’m not sure how well it work, but since Auracast is universal I hope it will be OK.


Very keen to hear about how the Voce performs. If it works, you’ll make hearing aid user history!


Hi, I haven’t posted anything for years but recently been following posts about the Jabra enhanced pro 10 & 20. I have been trialing the the 10 for almost three months and am going to order the 20.
My hearing loss is similar to yours and was told the same thing about the M&REI. Do I just insist? I will follow closely what you and other’s experience with these. Tobi

I would insist that you want to try them. They have been very good for me with improved word recognition, although I get occasional feedback with the closed domes and adjust the sound level on the app to fix that. I did order custom silicon earmolds today which will hopefully improve my experience even more and reduce feedback. I was told that the vent size is determined based on my audiogram to reduce occlusion. I’m not sure if they also determine the location of the vent based on my audiogram.
I’m still waiting for the VOCE to see if it works with the Jabra 20’s.

I don’t know about Costco but through an audi, you can also have custom molds made by ReSound with Select-A-Vent. A large bore is made in the mold and then you get a tree of different interior diameter tube inserts that allows you (or your HCP) to play around with different vent sizes. If one really knows ahead of time what size vent is going to work best, going with the fixed diameter vent size is probably best because going with an extra large hole to take the inserts takes more supporting structure out of the mold, requires the mold to be a bit bigger than it might otherwise be with a small vent tube, etc.

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I wrote in my other current thread about how I had a recurring intermittent buzzing in my left ear (only) with my Jabra Enhance Pro 20 with M&RIE, which was caused by the dome slipping out of position sometimes when I either moved my head or moved my jaw. My HCP replaced both of my domes with slightly larger domes that also have double cones, and that eliminated the issue.

Jim G

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The molds I got from Costco for my Jabra’s were Select-A-Vent.


@d_Wooluf I got the VOCE and could not get it to pair with my Pro 20s or the Enhance Pro app. I got the device to go into LE Audio paring mode but it would not connect. It came with a USB device and a 2nd device that get’s it audio input from a 3.5mm audio analog source and neither would connect. I’m interested to see if anyone has gotten the ReSound TV Streamer+ to pair. It’s $300 which is pretty expensive, especially since the Streamer 2 does a pretty good job and can be had for $50-60 on eBay. Costco does not have the Streamer+ for sale on their website so I was wondering if the LE Audio/aura cast has been activated in the Pro 20s. It’s documented to support that but then again the documentation also says it supports the Tinnitus Sound Generator but it isn’t available in the Pro 20s.

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It is, but Costco won’t activate or set it up, you can DIY for tinnitus treatment if you wanted.

@tenkan the TSG option is grayed out in the Costco configuration tool. They tried to activate it but couldn’t since it was not selectable.