I have recently started with Jabra Enhance Pro (Costco) as new update/replacement for KS9s. I’m interested in experiences with M&RIE receivers.
I am only two weeks in with Jabra HAs and so far like the sound and overall user experience (described in a parallel post). I am initially using regular (MP) receivers with open domes. My Costco HA Specialist, whom I like and trust, advises that I’m not a good candidate for M&RIE.
M&RIE seems like it could be a significant differentiator for Jabra (Resound) hearing aids. What are experiences with M&RIE – is it mainly hype, or are they something I should push harder to try out?
Any day now I hope to trial the ReSound Omnias with M&RIE receivers. I am having custom molds with Select-A-Vent made. I plan to trial them with an ~1 mm vent bore, which is pretty occlusive. You can look at my audiogram. It is not too dissimilar to yours. When the Ones first came out, my audi said that I wasn’t a candidate for the M&RIE receivers (I use MP receivers, too). Then, just this fall, she did an about face (she probably doesn’t remember what she said before or has since had fitting experience; didn’t bother asking her why). She said she’d have no problem fitting me with M&RIE receivers.
To back that up, I’ve done virtual fitting using the ReSound fitting software (Smart Fit), which you might learn about in the DIY section of the forum. According to the fitting curves, if I go with ReSound’s less aggressive Audiogram+ algorithm (in the high frequencies), I should have no trouble with custom molds and a 1 mm vent size staying within feedback-free zones of amplification but still meeting my prescribed fit, according to that algorithm. This is assuming that my molds made to the same degree of fit as ReSound made them for my Quattros. If instead I model my fit with the more aggressively amplified NAL-NL2 algorithm, I’ll be pushing my feedback limits, but I plan to give it a try, anyway.
I think the benefits of M&RIE receivers are mainly better sound localization in quiet environments. When things get noisier, ReSound switches processing away from the M&RIE microphones to the behind-the-ear mics on the HA bodies. But since I’m mainly in quiet environments, I should get the localization benefit most of my wearing time if I decide to go with Omnias.
Not every hearing loss is a candidate for M&RIE. You stated in another thread that your provider did not think you were a good candidate for M&RIE.
A good hearing aid experience depends greatly on the skill of the tester & fitter. For example, over the past 8 years I have had hearing tests and fittings from 2 different Costco locations. I just had a thorough hearing test done at Duke University. They testes frequencies between the minimum ones and my testes Word Recognition Scores were over 30 percentage points higher in both ears. Dr. Cliff says that score is an indication of the maximum benefit of hearing aids.
Personally, I have decided to pay the extra for experience after their otologist, an extra trained sub-specialist ENT, said properly fitted hearing aids should work for my steep losses and word scores.
I have had the mrie aids for a year now. I do like them - I find the sound from the mrie is very good for me. When it uses the mic on the bte portion I find it not as effective. However, looking at your audio gram I am not surprised they didn’t recommend the mrie. You are right at the limit I believe. That being said, if you discount the mrie function I think the Philips is just as good. I had the Philips for about 3 months. I haven’t tried any of the others they have.
I understand that I’m at the edge of being a good candidate. What might be the downside of using MRIE in my case - feedback problems?
I have only used open domes to date with HAs, and am not yet willing to move to closed domes or custom molds. I previously tried closed domes but found occlusion to be a big problem with fit/comfort. I have speech recognition well enough with open domes that I’m so far happy with that.
I suspect the mrie won’t work without a mould at your loss. There is a feedback check to test the levels and mine is right at the limit with moulds. However, the moulds are vented and are very comfortable. I find them more comfortable than regular domes.
From the charts sure, however, I can tell you from using it, that where I am, it is at the limit of the mrie being enabled. My HIS pushed my settings up slightly and the aids will automatically turn on the mic in the bte portion and turn off the mic in the ear. The OPs hearing loss is slightly higher frequency but there would be a similar result.
I too am on the limit for using M&rie. To use them, I had to go to power domes (?) when I had previously used open domes. Getting used to them was quite quick. For me, the big reason I like them is music. Don’t have to use large over the ear headphones but even these work better with M&rie. Currently use Oladance Wearable Stereo (small clip on speakers) and really like them on my morning walks.
I want to share my experience. I used the Phonak B90 for a long time, it was necessary to change them, I wanted something new. I learned about the possibility of independent programming of hearing aids and bought Resound One 961 with M&RIE Receivers. In my work, in addition to localization, I also need to regularly answer a regular phone. M&RIE Receivers are perfect for these situations. I use Audiogram+ algorithm, for me it is a soft and pleasant sound, which does not tire during the day, unlike NAL-NL2 algorithm. My audi made custom ear molds for M&RIE Receivers with an ~2 mm vent bore. But apparently the lack of documentation did not allow making perfect custom ear molds. My ear molds are not perfectly adjusted for feedback and are very visible. I would like to ask you to share photos of your custom ear molds. Maybe photos of your custom ear molds will help the audi meme make good ear molds.
Because of the length of the M&RIE receivers and bends in your ear canal, it may be hard to have M&RIE receivers that don’t stick out, particularly because ReSound likes to have the receiver opening recessed within the inner bore of the mold (the better to protect it against earwax, I guess).
Don’t know where you are in the world, but most audis or HCPs don’t have the technology to make molds themselves, Even Costco, IIRC, sends the impressions to ReSound to get molds made. It was perhaps my mistaken impression that it takes a very high-quality scanner and 3D printer to make molds out of the impressions.
Thanks for the detailed answer. I have already recorded and bookmarked the information in your links and description. But to understand how high-quality castom ear molds should look, I would like to get more photos of castom ear molds. Once again, I ask forum members to share an image of your castom ear mold.