Jabra 20's keep dropping bt and streamer

Hi all
I am 2 months in on my new Jabra’s and disappointed with the connectivity. In my car BT drops at least once a day if not more. Just suddenly starts streaming to my aids instead of car while listening. Also my TV Streamer keeps disappearing. Not just losing connection but completely disappears from my app. These issues are not the normal bt issues with one or both aids cutting out, but completely unpairing.
I have Resound One’s and have none of these issues. Im ready to toss these back to Costco at this point but hoping maybe some here have run into this and found a fix?
Also disappointed in Costco HIS. They may be ok for some loss, but they seem to struggle with my loss. I have had 3 re-adjustments with them and only getting worse, not better. And they seem clueless about the unpairing BT, saying it must be my phone. The same phone that works fine with my Resound One’s…

I use a Samsung galaxy s24 ultra which is listed as compatible, but like you, it is constantly dropping, in my case, first in one ear and then in the other and ultimately in both. restarting phone and HAs sometimes works but not always. The Costco HA person indicates that it is quite a common problem with the Android phones that Jabra does not seem to have resolved. I have replaced one pair and been on the phone to second tier who appeared to be aware of the problem but did not have a solution except to wait for a firmware update that might resolve the issue. And even when it does work you still need to hold the phone close to your mouth as they haven’t figured out how to tie that in to the Bluetooth. I am told they may work better with iPhones, but can’t confirm tha, and I will NOT switch my phone out. Jabra needs to get their act together or I will never buy another of their products or recommend them to anyone with an android phone.

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I have had good stability and success with Bluetooth connectivity with my Jabra EP 20s HAs and Galaxy S23 Android phone.

For good connectivity I have done this:

Every day or so I have to turn off and on the Bluetooth and or disconnect and reconnect them in the HAs Bluetooth settings. Sound will cut out. It is quick and easy and works for a day or more.

Also you will want to search in the phone settings for ‘Never Auto Sleeping Apps’ and add the EnhancePro app to there. The app runs in the background even if you kill it. You can otherwise stop it temporarily by tapping the lower left button on the phone and you should see in the upper left corner a label for background apps. Select that and ‘stop’ the app there. You do not want the app to sleep. This had caused the app and hearing aids to repeatedly disconnect from each other and is quite frustrating.

I turn off the LE Audio protocol as it has been finicky for me. I use the default ASHA protocol. It should be much better after Android 15 and Samsung’s One UI 7 as there are a number of fixes for it and Dual Mode phones that support more then one protocol.

I never have to reboot my phone with this. Nore have I had to repair. I am curious why others have varying experiences.i love my EP 20s!

I hope this helps.


Thanks but its not dropping one aid or both, its disconnecting completely. It changes from streaming to my aids, to streaming to my car, at random.
I have worn my old aids, Resound One’s for a few days now with no disconnects.

Thank you very much. On my phone, I had to progress to the route of a complete shutdown. Your tip on never sleeping could be the one I needed. Very recently, I have also noticed that carefully sequencing the timing on removing the individual HAs from the case in the morning appears to make a difference. I am now wondering if the bluetooth connection while in the case is different and can cause problems as the HA’s go through their disconnect and reconnect process. More recently, the LE protocol appears to be working better for me for some unknown reason. I wish Jabra tech support and their Costco reps were more enlightened as to the various tips and tricks work arounds. Thank you for your help. Jabra could have easily implemented your solution in the app setup for the phone. They clearly need help on their Android development team. Samsung’s buds2 pro bluetooth (which I use on top of the Jabra HA for computer zoom calls) works flawlessly as I switch from computer to galaxy tablet. I remain hopeful that Android 15 will solve some of these problems and that the Jabra app and firmware developer has been rigorously testing out the beta versions and paying attention to all the bluetooth complaints.
Again, THANKS.

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I am not sure what that is all about. However have you considered as a workaround to disconnect the HAs from Bluetooth while in your car? Under your HAs Bluetooth settings you can disconnect and reconnect pretty easily. Not unpairing of course. That is what I would do.

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Searched for “Bluetooth” in the Android Developer Release notes for the betas, and it at least appears promising that a lot of work is going into bluetooth connection issues. Hope we see useful results in August.


I do not know when Samsung One UI 7 is going to be released but not in August. More like the end of the year. I would be surprised if Android 15 features would make it into soon to be released One UI 6.1.1. It is a wait…

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I am not wearing the same hearing aida, I wear Oticon aids, I have the Samsung S23 phone and i am not having any issues with connectivity. Now i connect my phone to my Jeep by usb or Bluetooth just depending on what I intend to do with the connection. I always set my phone call and internet wise to do not disturb while driving. But i sometimes use the connection for GPS or music. The Jeep speaks are good enough to allow me to understand music and direction without streaming to my aids.

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I have had the Jabras for about 6 months and no issues with the Bluetooth connection. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy A42 5G. What I do before charging the HAs is unpair them from the phone then put them in the charger and turn off the phone and charge it.

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