ITE vs RIC for Outdoors + Greater Hearing Loss

I searched and read quite a few threads about ITE vs RIC but unfortunately, I could not come to a resolution for my situation and hoping you could help specifically with my questions and concerns.

I’ve only known RIC aids for the past 8 years.

I have conductive hearing loss with my left ear with most of the loss, about 80%, being in the lower frequencies. I cannot hear anything in my left without my HA. I program my current RIC Signia hearing aids and have gotten them to sound surprisingly natural compared to my right ear.

I have to use a 10/12 double dome, non-vented, to prevent feedback.

I’m very active, and live in hot Texas, so my HA acting up due to heat and sweat coming down behind my ear is a big issue.

I’ve been trying to research ITE aids to see if they would be a benefit.

I have less sweat in my ear canal but I’m afraid that the mic will be too close to the receiver and cause even more feedback issues. It would be nice to wear an aid when I run, hike, or bike so that I could hear others that I’m with.

I don’t care about aethetics.


I started out with ITE aids and had more failures with them than my MiniRite aids. I am from Texas and now live in Arkansas which has very humid weather too. I wear a sweat band around my head when out hiking and doing yard work. I haven’t had a hearing aid failure from my sweating in about 10 years. I cannot remember the name but there is a company that makes a booty for hearing aids that they claim help also.

Ear Gear :slight_smile:


I use a dehumidifier for my hearing aids. I hike a lot and have never had an issue with my BTE HAs.

I also used to sail with my hearing aids in and they were dunked a lot but continued working because of the dehumidifier. I don’t sail anymore due to breaking my spine but I assume newer HAs would stand up to water as well with the correct care.

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I have a dehumidifier / dryer for my aids already that I use nightly. But that’s not what I’m talking about.

Yes, I can hike without issue if I’m not exerting myself in non-100 degree temps.

Is an ITE better or worse about sweat than a RIC?

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As I said earlier i have had more trouble with the ITE aids when it comes to moisture

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Over the years I have had CIC, ITE, & RIC. For me, the RIC are by far less susceptible to moisture.