Itchy ears with open domes

I have just had a new pair of Phonak L90 hearing aids fitted, this time with open domes and they itch badly. My two previous try outs, with L70 and Oticon Reals, were with closed domes and there was no itch. Are the open domes more likely to cause itch? They seem to be made of a more brittle material. Should I persist with them and if so for how long?

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I had not only itchy ear canals but a rash from wearing domes, i didn’t matter which domes. I had to switch to acrylic ear molds. I use EarGene for itchy ear canals mostly in the winter when the air is dry due to heaters


I experienced itchy ears initially but it has gone away since changing to smaller open domes.

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A thought…does the firm helping you know which domes were on the L70 hearing aids you tried?
I’ve had similar issues. Part of my problem is size. M on my Left ear. L on my Right ear.
Ive found it economical to buy domes from Amazon. Good luck!


It seems likely the material that the open domes are made from is different from the material that the closed domes are made from, and your ear canal skin doesn’t like the open dome material.
For example, I switched from Widex domes to same shape Starkey domes and my itchy ear problem went away.


I found ProEar by Miracell (Amazon) helped with itchy ears as well as allowed for the HAs to be inserted much more easily with out the friction and irritation of dry domes.


Oto-Ease is another option. It’s a water-based lubricant while Pro-Ear is oil-based. Oil-based is longer lasting, and water-based is less messy with less chance, in my experience, of seeping into the receiver.


@x475aws thank you for this information. I just ordered a bottle to give it a try. I have had a concern about oil in the receiver too. Not sure if it is an issue but I am confident that a water based solution is not.

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