Is there New Hearing Aid Can connect All BL Devices?

My loss is extremely degree. I’m using Phonak Marvel M90 for both ears. I wanna buy new devices, but I want to connect all bl devices without adapters like Phonak but I don’t want Phonak brand. I’m using iPhone, Windows Pc and LG TV.

Not sure what you mean by BL devices. If you’re talking about the legacy standard Bluetooth supported devices, only Phonak hearing aids can do this. All other HA mfgs went with the MFI, ASHA route for direct connection with iOS and Android phones, respectively, but require a streaming device to connect to standard legacy Bluetooth devices.

Nobody is going to do what Phonak does in this respect going forward either. Bluetooth LE Audio is going to be the future connection format they will go with, but this will require the connection devices to also support BT LE Audio as well.


I want to connect to any device like Phonak without an extra device. But Phonak lacks a lot in terms of software. There is not much customizable system. So I am thinking of buying another brand. Hearing aids are very expensive in my country. I want to find and buy a brand model that hits the spot. I have been using Marvel since 2019, it has almost completed its life.

Unitron? Sonova? :thinking:


What is it that you want to do that Phonak will not do?

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I think Phonak is bad as software. I don’t think that the microphone direction, microphone selection, AutoSense are transmitting the sound with the right adjustments. It increases or decreases the sound unnecessarily. I couldn’t solve this situation with Target either.

I think you would find that the Lumity platform is a big improvement over Marvel. Your Marvels are 2 generations behind. Actually, I feel like there was a big leap from Paradise to Lumity. I’m very pleased with my Lumity aids. However, I’m in the Android ecosystem so my connectivity experiences will differ from yours.

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What I can tell you is that I have these same wishes for my HA’s. The Auracast will change a lot for us in the feature but is not the whole solution at the moment as it is not available on older equipment to connect with unfortunately.

For the time beeing I have found the solution in using, next to the the Phonak P90’s, the Ampi-energy B 5 P RP PH.The app’s are very different and the Amplifon has all that I missed in the MyPhonak app. In the fitting software of both though I couldn’t find any differences.
I even could install my Roger licenses on the Amplifon and use the accessories.

I’ll include some pictures of the Amplifon as the Phonak you’ll know already.
Very happy with the solution I found and I didn’t knew about untill I also bought these next to my Phonak’s.

What?? What do you want to do that Phonak doesn’t have?

Resound has just come out with the first hearing aids using the new BT stand, LEAudio. I believe this BT will connect to all devices using BT, including laptops, etc. You should check it out to see if I’m right. I know that will ultimately be true as all of the B5T world updates to the new standard.

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Good point. I probably should have said Sonova companies because they probably share this Sword chip that does legacy BT (Classic Audio BT). I don’t really know for a fact but I would assume so.

In this case, maybe the OP can explore these other Sonova companies to see if their aids are better suited for him or not.