I am considering getting a Jabra Enhance Pro 20 hearing aid set at Costco.
Is the Jabra Enhance Pro 20 programmable only by Costco staff (or do audiologists also have access to whatever programming tool is required to do that)?
Any audiologist who has software to program Resound aids will be able to program the Jabra 20. Of course they will probably charge you while Costco hearing aid specialists will make changes for you for free at any store that has a hearing aid department. If you want to make changes yourself software is available in the DYI area for the forum.
Note: There is a difference between “can” and “will.” The Jabra aids are “unlocked” and could be programmed by anybody with the appropriate software. Finding somebody willing to do it may be an issue.
I have been able to connect to and program Jabra Enhance Pro 20 devices through our Resound software. So far I have not run into any issues related to locked devices or things like that.
Anyone can program them. Even you. I have the software and hardware to program my Enhance Pro 20. Haven’t had to yet but I’m sure I will at some point.
You’d need to do a little research before jumping in on any DIY projects, read the user guides for the software you intend to use, in this case ReSound SmartFit for those Jabra, and yes you can most certainly “mess up” a fitting, but not if you do your homework first, it’s all pretty easy actually, head on over to the DIY forum, plenty of us to help you along if needed.
I have Resound Smart Fit 2.0 (software) and the Noahlink (hardware). It allows me to connect to, access, and tune my Jabra Enhance Pro 20’s that I got from Costco. The Pro 20 appears to be the Nexia 9, right down to taking the firmware upgrade and having the tinnitus settings available. Costco will not turn on the tinnitus control for you, but I found just wearing the hearing aids fixed a lot of my tinnitus. And, if desired, you can enable that setting in the HA’s.
On a side note, consider this. I’m a hybrid self fitter. I used the Costco audiologist’s original settings and preserved them in a safe place, then created a second profile to tune my HA’s. I do not have enough knowledge to do an initial fitting, but did find substantial improvement by changing the settings in the other places. My REM fitting was very close to being perfect, so I didn’t have to play with any of the gain settings, just how the HA’s respond to inputs.