Well, thanks again. Given your posts, you must have one helluva awesome library.
Looking more closely, I noticed something interesting; what is your take on this? . . .
In the Schum video at ~37 sec, it shows an environment with individuals and groups around the user, and then he segues into his description of the Booster. The environment shown in the illustration corresponds to the least what MoreSound Intelligence defines as “moderate”. In this video:
In describing the "everyday environments’ the Booster helps with, the audio/video samples are a conference room with a group talking around the table; a moving noisy commuter train with voices and phone calls around; and, a restaurant with background music, a running air conditioner, and rustling of plates and glasses. I would think that, again, these environments would be at the minimum classified as “moderate” but more likely “complex”. Yet the verbiage refers to these as “simple situations”.
The Q&A here adds:
In response to the question:
Does the MoreSound Booster shift the process to apply high noise reduction just like open sound booster does?
The answer given is:
The MoreSound Booster works similarly to the OpenSound Booster in these ways: it is applied only by the user through the ON app; it works in more quiet environments; but the MoreSound Booster will give the user a 4dB improvement in Signal-to-noise ratio (only a 3dB improvement was available with OpenSound Booster). If however, the Neural Noise Suppression – Easy is already set to 4dB in Genie, there is no additional benefit for the user with the Booster in the ON app.
MoreSound Booster does NOT [their caps] help more in the most difficult listening environments, such as a busy restaurant or cocktail party. In those situations the prescribed settings will, for most users, provide the maximum help.
And in response to the question:
Does it mean that the booster manually overrides the DNN simple from 0 → 4dB?
The answer is:
Yes! If the user chooses to activate the MoreSound Booster in a fairly quiet environment, and the default setting of the Neural Noise Suppression- Easy is set at 0dB, then the user will have a 4dB reduction by the DNN, and with more front focus from the Spatial Balancer function (non-speech sound sources, especially from the back and sides, are reduced more).
Simple. More quiet. Fairly quiet. Easy. Although the environments shown are anything but. Is all this telling us that MoreSound Boost is only engaged in what Genie shows as Simple which is under the MoreSound Intelligence - Easy environment?