Is it possible to pair more than one ConnectClip with hearing aids

Hello all. Back in April I made my first post here asking for help and advice after starting a new job as a court room usher. I was having major difficulties hearing with my out of date aids. Having tried out the Oticon Real, Intent and Starkey Genesys I have purchased some Intents. These have made a huge improvement on what i can hear, especially today when I tried out a ConnectClip used as a microphone simply placed on the judges bench. The ConnectClip worked really well in this position, it was a revelation being able to hear the judge so clearly.

However I am still struggling with softly speaking counsels in front of me. So am not yet feeling that I can actually carry out this job efficiently and am still anxious going into work.

Rather than asking lawyers to speak up, or me physically move nearer to them which I still find embarrassing, does anybody know if I can use two ConnectClips at a time with my aids?? Is this possible??

I have tried but so far I haven’t been successful

If your employer is paying, I would suggest two or more Phonak Roger Table Mic II’s together with a Phonak Neck Loop to connect the Rogers to your Oticon Intends via Telecoil. Expensive but effective. If you want to pursue this on your own, much cheaper Roger devices can be found on Ebay.

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The answer I expected really. But it did occur to me that maybe it is possible to pair one with the right aid and one with the left. Have you tried that?? Am seeing my audiologist later this week so will ask the question.

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Yes, the Roger accessories have been memtioned. My employer would not pay for these in their entirety, particularly as I am still within my probationary period. Will have a look on ebay as the cost is out of reach for me alone after the purchase of the Intents.

the current versions of Bluetooth are one to one. The Roger devices are not Bluetooth - they are a proprietary form of radio so some versions can be set up to be one to many like the table mics they have. The new version of Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE Audeo, or Auracast,is coming out now in new hearing aids, but not many devices are set up to use it. It is, once it is really in use, is one to many. I’m not sure what that means for your situation. Perhaps it could be set for your HA to receive from multiple microphones.

Shame you didn’t know of Access to Work as they’ll fund any equipment (Roger Microphones) in the first 6 weeks of a job.

Depending on how big of an employer you work for, Access to Work can still fund 100% or near 100% so definitely look it up.

Another option could be, can you have a dedicated program for work with soft sounds increased?


As a civil servant I am ineligible to benefit from Access to Work. This dates back to April 2022. Equivalent assistance is now provided by my employer instead.

I am back at the audiologist on Saturday so will see what can be done about adding another program to the aids.

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I didn’t know this. Super annoying.


So are you saying that a government employee isn’t covered by the disabilities act?

No, not at all.
Just that civil servants are no longer eligible to claim support through Access to Work. The individual employers are approached instead. There is a robust work place adjustment policy in place. I do have a meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss hearing issues, but as I am still within my probationary period it may well be assistance towards Roger accessories would not yet be considered.

I remember my interview with my last employer, I was up front about my hearing loss and my needs. I was fully expecting to be told no, but I was hired and was asked to give a list of my requirements to be able to do my job. Some of those requirements was met by my VA audiologist and dome by the employer. When I started the job I was surprised to how open my employer was to supporting my needs. And I also learned a valuable lesson on how much the VA was willing to supply what ever i needed too.