Is it me or my hearing aids?

I’ve been wearing HA’s for a little over 6 years now. The last 2 and a half have been with Phonak’s. But lately all I can hear with them on is any electric device that’s on or any vehicle/airplane etc. and they completely subdue any speech from a person. Is my hearing changing or are the HA’s not performing the way they were? I’m almost at the point of shelving them.


Sounds like it is time get your aids checked and to get a hearing test. I get at least annual hearing test. I have my aids checked and professionally cleaned 3 to 4 times a year.


Have you replaced the wax filter recently ?

I’ve cleaned them and changed the guards. Had a hearing test 6 months ago. The HA’s were sent away for checking and I was told that they had replaced them with entirely new ones. That was just before the warranty ran off.


This may not apply for you. My Phonak hearing aids are over 10 years old. All the electronics are behind the ear. My hearing got slowly worse over the years, to where converstions were difficult. I found my original silicone dome earpieces were a loose fit. When I found some snug fitting domes recently, I got more gain out of the aids and began hearing much better.

Also, there is a tiny, perforated plastic grill over the hearing aid microphone. I open up the hearing aids maybe once a year and clean this with isopropyl alcohol - this helps with voice frequencies.


What model Phonaks do you have to open them, and clean the microphone? The only way I can open my Audéos is with heavy equipment that produces cracking, warranty-voiding sounds.

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Not so hard at all, actually very easy without any “heavy equipment” or cracking sounds, the housings are held together with pins, once removed you pull them apart and remove the chassis, but I wouldn’t use isopropyl myself, just a quick brush (soft) and a wipe, but really not necessary unless your having some issues, most audiology clinics change the housing for a different colour choice all the time, no problem.

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It could be a combination of factors—your hearing may have changed over time, or there could be adjustments needed in the hearing aids themselves. It might be helpful to schedule a check-up with your audiologist to assess both your hearing and the performance of your Phonak devices before considering other options.

As I’ve said, these are supposed to be brand new HA’s and my hearing was just evaluated 6 months ago. Even so, I’ve cleaned them and examined the domes which are also new.

I would suggest returning to your audiologist/hearing aid fitter and explaining to them your issues. If they can’t help, consider finding somebody else. I have no idea what’s going on but something sure sounds “off.”


I have Phonak OK!Plus aids. The plastic shell is in two halves, held together by two tiny pins. I don’t clean the microphone, I only clean the plastic grill which is in the top half of the shell, which contains no electronics. I made a small tool for pushing the pins, by putting a sewing needle into a small platic rod.

I decided my domes were the problem when I got so I was always pushing them in to get a better fit when I was in conversations.

In my last post, the 2nd-to-last word should be plastic.

I guess I have to agree with you, MDB. Until I can get in for an appointment, I am going to go quiet.

I had trouble for 2 years. Phonaks.
One day I had my hearing aids on and stuck a index finger in each ear

They were much louder

I went from wide open domes with many holes to closed domes with two tiny holes or vents

I had to find the right size

I have the horrible new small wax guards that come in a small round disk. Every time I change them I hear better

Finally I changed from the Audi who sold them to a new person who had much more skill. The Audi didn’t know how to set them up. There were mistakes. My hearing was worse. Much worse. When tested. New setup with these corrected ki can hear

Oh. Another thing. If you have a receiver in each ear with a slim wire going to your hearing aid perhaps your receivers need to be replaced.

I’d try pulling the waxguards out, then putting the dome back on. Louder? It’s wax guards.

Stick an index finger in each ear. Louder? Try 2 new domes. OR. Change to 2 closed domes or two Power Domes

Hope this helps. I’ve tried to go from simple low cost to more expensive.

I think you have moulded nserts which should work better unless something has changed.

I always ask questions.

-did they ever work?
-if so, what’s changed

Finally. Silly me. I had an ear ache and feedback right ear. I had a Power Dome that came off. It was stuck in my right ear. So there were Two in there. That one and the one on the receiver.

Good luck!



Sounds like your telecoil is turned on. I was wondering the same thing till I realize I had accidently turned my telecoil on. It was interesting listening to my car fuel injectors, starter etc.

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This could be due to the program that they are switching into when in that environment. Depending on the technology level you have. If you have the 90’s sometimes the aids will hear the loud mechanical noises - and swap you into a comfort in noise program rather than speech in noise or speech in loud noise. I would monitor what environments this happens in and advised your AUD, they can possible set up a Manual Speech in Noise program so when you are in these environment you can manually change the program rather then keeping what is on the Automatic program.
The automatic program is design to put you in the best possible program however sometimes its chooses strange programs. you can also check on your app what program you are currently in ( in the automatic) if you click adjust program it will state - adjust Calm situation or adjust comfort in echo.

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