iPhone, Phonak & Bluetooth Connection Problems - I

This is going to be a long post.

On an Apple iPhone forum I follow, a poster asked for help in both setting up the Phonak.App he downloaded from the App Store and connecting his Phonaks to his iPhone. (As I begin writing this, I have decided to first try solve my own Phonak connection problem…and then maybe I can help him.

First, my own problem:

I paired my Phonaks, Audéo M70-R with my iPhone 13 Pro Max and when, on the iPhone, I view Settings > Bluetooth, I see three entries for my HAs:
• R-Phonak…Connected
• LE_L-Phonak…Not Connected
• LE_R-Phonak…Not Connected

If I listen to a podcast, music, etc., on my iPhone, the audio plays over my HAs.

My first question is is it normal to have three entries showing on my iPhone under Settings > Bluetooth?

Should I just leave that as is or tell the iPhone to forget the LE_L and LE_R entries.

The LE entries are used by the app. Not needed for streaming. Essential for using the app to change anything.



Thanks very much for that clarification…I will let sleeping dogs lie.