Interpretation of this Fitting Report?

I have new Phonak Lumity L90R in bi-CROS mode. I was fitted yesterday and asked for a fitting report, which the HCP gave me. I am not sure how to interpret some of it. I attached a sample page that I scanned. What does the black line on the graph represent, as well as the 3 blue lines?

I would have guessed that the blue lines represent hearing at the 3 levels of speech loudness (G50, 65,80), but with the mics probes in the ear with the aid, all the HCP did was say a few sentences at a fairly low volume level. So maybe the blue lines don’t represent the 3 levels since he didn’t test 3 volume levels.

Does the various numbers here look appropriate for my hearing loss shown in my audiogram?

I can answer only about the blue lines. Your guess about the three levels of loudness is correct. The heavy blue lines represent the gain provided by the HAs; the thin ones (partially coincident with the heavy ones) represent the target gain.

“Mic probes” implies a Real Ear Measurement (REM) procedure. But the fitting report can be generated without that.

P.S. This is not really a DIY question. You may get more/better answers in the Hearing Aids category.

Thanks. I just thought DIY’ers would know more about how to interpret the report. I may post in the HA category instead. Thanks for the suggestion.

No need to feel “left out” use the search button from right here on hearingtracker, it’s been asked so many times before, cheers

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