I have new Phonak Lumity L90R in bi-CROS mode. I was fitted yesterday and asked for a fitting report, which the HCP gave me. I am not sure how to interpret some of it. I attached a sample page that I scanned. What does the black line on the graph represent, as well as the 3 blue lines?
I would have guessed that the blue lines represent hearing at the 3 levels of speech loudness (G50, 65,80), but with the mics probes in the ear with the aid, all the HCP did was say a few sentences at a fairly low volume level. So maybe the blue lines don’t represent the 3 levels since he didn’t test 3 volume levels.
Does the various numbers here look appropriate for my hearing loss shown in my audiogram?
I can answer only about the blue lines. Your guess about the three levels of loudness is correct. The heavy blue lines represent the gain provided by the HAs; the thin ones (partially coincident with the heavy ones) represent the target gain.
“Mic probes” implies a Real Ear Measurement (REM) procedure. But the fitting report can be generated without that.
P.S. This is not really a DIY question. You may get more/better answers in the Hearing Aids category.