Insitugram better than audiogram - smaller BC gap - too much gain?

Hi I have spent the day reprogramming my aids because I feel like the highs are way too sharp if going by my audiogram. So I performed an insitugram and the results differ A LOT from my recent audiograms in the highs.

This is my most recent audiogram:

Now this is how my insitugram looks:

As you can see the difference is quite large in the higher frequencies between the two tests. The insitugram gets kind of close to the bone conduction seen in my audiogram on the left ear.

I have read that if the AC-BC gap is less than 10dB I should not use bone conduction when doing the fitting so I tried it and I am getting way less gain in the higher frequencies. Would this be a more appropriate fit? Im currently abit confused how to approach this.

I wouldn’t worry too much on the BC, I’ve never bothered with it, the important thing for you as a DIY’r is how do you feel your word discrimination is, as in your doing good in everyday conversations with people, the higher frequencies gives the clarity, did you try just entering your audogram without BC, that would be a different result?
How long have you been using HAs?

I do decent in most situations but open office situations are tough and so are soft speakers and thats why I have been trying to reprogram my devices for a while now using different domes and tweaks but I’m just not getting it right. In an office setting I feel like It doesnt matter how much gain I have I still cannot understand a lot of what is being said.

I have worn hearin aids for about 8 years. I will try my audiogram without BC and see how that works out.

Another thing is what domes and what formula are being used, NAL is one that’s worth checking out, I noticed a standard receiver on the left, if it were me I’d go Medium on both, so being an experienced, could experiment with what type of domes are used as well, so just out curiosity what were your last brand/models and dome set up.

I have had Signia Aids since I began wearing aids. So my last set up were a pair of Signias as well with open domes. Now I am wearing Signias Open Eartip 3.0 in my left ear and Signia sleeve 3.0 Vented in my right ear since it has gotten worse in the lows from otosclerosis. I have never tried NAL yet but perhaps I should give it a try. I have also tried using the sleeve in my left ear but not sure that I like it, it does prevent some feedback though when pushing gains. Why do you think I need a bigger receiver in my left?

Ok so your used to the “Signia” sound, the click sleeves are pretty good too, I’ve used them in times past but use custom molds no, yeah the output of the standard receiver can be on the sounding sharp, honestly I don’t even know why they bother with them, having a matching pair… nice

Yeah the Signia sound is all I know, their current fit is called axfit, I just checked in the software and can see that NAL-NL2 is a bit more agressive in the highs, I will try it out and ignore BC for now, maybe it will sound better.