I'm missing the old ear drop sizzzle!

Once upon a time when I put drops in my ears I would hear a wonderful bubbling sound that assured me the drops were doing their thing. I no longer hear that sound and assume that is just one more of the many sounds I no longer hear without aids.

But, could it possibly be that today’s drops are safer and less effective ?

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I assume here you are using a peroxide based earwax cleaner. I find they do not last on the shelf once opened and the bubbly action diminishes. If a bottle has been open more than a couple months I don’t count on it working. It may last a year or more, but I don’t count on it buy a fresh bottle and see. If this is already a brand new bottle, my apologies. Your fear might be correct.



It’s also susceptible to UV, hence the opaque bottle. I agree, once you use it, toss it. I’m guessing once open, it’s only good for a few weeks at best.

I have been mixing my own eardrops for years. 50/50 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and white vinegar

Maybe you have no wax in your canals for the drops to interact with? Hence no sizzle?

You can fire up the barbeque, but it won’t sizzle without a steak. Of course, not having wax in your canals turns this metaphor on its head. No wax is a good thing! No steak on the barbie isn’t.