Im baffled by jabra 20s constantly changing sound

I have the new jabra pro 20s and at first I thought I liked them but, now, after using them many days I have a bad issue with constantly changing sounds, I don’t know if it’s noise suppression kicking in or the all around program constantly changing trying to figure out what sounds to listen to or what’s going on. If anyone has any ideas please chime in. I have the resound one and it doesn’t do that. So i’m very baffled by what they did to these new aids. The constantly changing or shifting sound happens to one aid at a time

If this happening during loud sounds, then I would look to see if you are getting compression. You can also look at the time constant setting.

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If it were me,I’d check the programming between the two, see what’s happening in the features and at what level they are set at, since you do a bit of DIY print them off and check, you don’t mention if your using the exact same domes or molds, and what formula being used, Nexia and One not a lot difference, regardless of what the manufacturer tries to say.

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This is all to do with the automatic steering that All Around uses to try to enhance what it thinks you are listening to and suppress what it thinks is noise. If you really don’t like it then you need
to get your audiologist to change the directionality setting (you can’t do it with the app).

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The degree of suppression that occurs with the various types of noise detected is adjustable. (I am in the process of having that adjusted by my Costco fitter.)

Also it seems like the All-Around adjustment is only noticeable after about 5 seconds of exposure to a new environment. I don’t know if that delay is adjustable.

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I had the same issue. I asked the audi to make the noise cancellation less agressive. She did. However since they were sent out for repair due to a “hands free” issue, they came back replaced with new aids. Seems to be better but not sure if it was due to an adjustment the audi made or if the old aids had a defect. My main issue was if I was having a conversation with someone and some AC unit started up next door, the volume of everything went down. The AC noise was reduced but I could no longer hear the person I was speaking to clearly.

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It’s not actually compression. It’s more complicated than that. The algorithm uses the microphones on both aids to steer a null towards what it thinks is interference or noise.

Sadly it isn’t very effective and personally I prefer to use an omnidirectional response and find that often gives a better overall result. (My personal experience is with Omnia and One before that. But I believe the Nexia is the same).

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Yes, I believe the Nexia and the Omnia are the same as far as Directionality is concerned. The One is different.

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Yes indeed. The Omnia is more effective than the One in this regard. Of course it’s a bit difficult to distinguish changing user experience from changing hearing aid performance, since I change my aids often and my hearing is actively declining with age.


Mr Smithser, did you ever get the issue with the changing sound of your Jabra 20’s resolved satisfactorily? I have the same aids, and it seems that in the past week the right aid started noticeably changing volume frequently (related to louder than typical sounds) and making me feel occluded compared to the left aid. I checked my ears and they appear clear. Hoping for some ideas on how to address this.

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No improvement even after an adjustment. Now things sound toned down. Sounds like they only turned the suppression to more aggressive instead of any directionality adjustment. I still havent looked in SmartFit yet as i was hoping to let Costco have a good chance at correcting this. When i asked, they frowned on me even having a look at the settings in SmartFit let alone make any adjustment. They mentioned i might “lock” them or damage the software somehow and say my warranty may not be covered for any possible future software issues. And i know with SmartFit, it makes a new log every time used. Im gonna give them one more chance then just do a SmartFit download and compare to my One’s.

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Interesting, my Costco audiologist is all in on me doing some diy.

Also, when the ‘problem’ is happening, rub a finger along the top of the aid. If you hear that rather loud in both aids, that points to a possible problem with the aids (in my non professional opinion). My Costco has sent them in for replacement when this happens, and the replaced versions work great.

You won’t hear that loud rubbing noise in both aids in normal low noise/sound environment.


I brought my Jabra 20’s into Costco today due to issues described previously (frequent changes in sound from right HA - mostly seems like sounds are being muted/suppressed). They are sending them in for repair/replacement. This is second time in 5 months for same issue. I suspect that the issue relates to the microphones and/or microphone filters. Streaming volume seems to be fine.

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Thanks for that info. If it keeps changing i will return for repair or if they dont feel anything is wrong, just return for a refund. Something is very odd going on…

My previous pair was the Resound Quatro - I had a similar problem that caused me to get them replaced 3 or 4 times. I stopped using the little brush to clean the microphones, and didn’t have that problem after that. Not sure if that ‘fixed’ it or just coincidence.

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That is a good description of what i am experiencing. The sound is reduced and my ear feels occluded, then about 5 seconds later it returns to normal. This mostly happens in my car but has happened in various situations also, but never when streaming or using TV Streamer so it appears to be something with the All Around program. I had Costco adjust twice and going in this weekend to exchange or return them.

I should mention when this happens, if i change to another program in the app (which removesthe occluded feeling), then switch back to all around it corrects the issue…until next time. And it seems to only happen in the all around program.

As I think I mentioned before, this is a function of the automatic focus setting in All Around. The directionality setting can be changed by the audiologist to something else. It’s trivial to do so, but you need the fitting software to do it. And the audiologist needs to know that he/she needs to do it.

Anyway the quick fix is to change program, as you say.

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So apparently i had bad receivers, both sides and then changed directionality to omni, then adjusted enviro optimizer, then copied over some of the Outdoor settings to All Around and at this point they are much improved. Also cleared the app menory and cache, uninstalled then reinstalled app and streaming is better. I think maybe the app/phone was confused having both my Resound One’s and Jabra 20’s paired to my phone
Thanks for the suggestions