I’ve ended up with more licenses when selecting Recover Roger Receivers in Roger Upgrader Software

It’ll be interesting to see if I can actually transfer them but according to my Apps and both Roger iN Mics, I currently have 8 x licenses when I shouldn’t have that many.

Apps I use are MyPhonak and Junior myPhonak.

I can also hear through my Roger Mics with both sets of hearing aids.


Can you send one to me? :wink:

I have found it strange, when installing/uninstalling Roger licenses, with the Roger Installer.


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I can confirm they can be transferred and none of the other receivers / licenses have been lost even with connecting to software.

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Hi Zebras
you could get rid of one for study :wink:
there could be something for everyone :face_with_peeking_eye: :hear_with_hearing_aid:

That’s great, you don’t have to buy expensive roger receivers

What version of Roger upgrade is this?


1.27 I believe it is. :slight_smile: