I tried 4 and found "the one" - Phonak Audéo B R B90

jim_W can you update your audiogram or post it in line so it will help to correlate others?

Audiogram has been added - thanks for asking, it prompted me get it done :slight_smile:

Well - Not so fast!

I’ve since tried the ReSound Linx3D because of recommendations here and the very cool app options and streaming. In the end I did not like the sound processing of the 3D’s and found the streaming to be less than “wonderful” - Streaming sounds like a cool thing, but I’m finding the actual application very frustrating. I also found them to be very uncomfortable with larger in-ear recievers, (*see below). The very flexible and cool app for tweaking sound was (for me) a waste of time and just added to my sound processing frustrations. I’m to the point that I really don’t care if I have streaming or not (that’s where I started when I got my first Unitrons)

I went to the Phonak B-Directs to try the direct streaming - the first pair “may” have been faulty, we did eventually (many calls to Phonak) get them working as advertised but by then I had a new set on the way at their recommendation.

I have decided that overall the B-Directs are not as good on sound processing as the Phonak B-R’s where, just not quite as clean, more “windy” sounding and I’m having serious word recognition issues that I’ve not had with any of the other HAs I’ve tried. Muddled speech.

Shame about the B-R’s “permanent” rechargeable battery locking one into at some point sending them back to Phonak for $$$$ battery replacement… I love rechargeable, but found having to carry a charger (well two) one for the HAs the other for the ComPilot was not something I want to do on motorcycle trips…ya, I know it’s not “much” space, but on a long distance motorcycle adventure it’s not cool.

I am currently retrying the Unitrom Moxi-R in the Tempest version…I can say with the UConnect remote (I did not have that last time) that the phone streaming quality on my first few tries has been fantastic. (way better than the Phonak ComPilot or B-Directs) The sound processing is giving me much better word recognition than the B-Directs. The Unitrom auto-processer seems to get “lost” once in a while in auto mode and drop out. Overall I’m liking them - but want to give them more time before I make my “final” decision. I’m pretty sure “we” just got too far off-track last time tweaking programs.

The Unitrons where my first HAs and I may not have been realistic about how things would sound - strangely I now find their music reproduction pretty good :slight_smile: I have to be driving my poor audiologist crazy…I do think that her technical skills may be lacking, to a point, based on how she interacts with the software interface and seems to not have a plan or direction to try, but at the same time she is really trying so very hard to make this work for me. I like her very much, I just wish I felt a little more confident about her skills - she’s my second one, the first I did not like from a more personal side of things, she was not pleasant to deal with at all and quite frankly I did not give her much of a chance - I can see that now. (you know how sometimes you just can’t connect with a person - I rarely have that happen, but when it does I move on)

The Unitron Moxi-R Tempest, good streaming (must carry a Uremote) love the Z100 battery option (charge or normal battery) and the sound processing is great in some environments - best voice recognition…but somewhat “troublesome with…drop out, the water in ear feeling at times, frustrating tin pan alley TV sounds…but these may be the ones based on battery tech. I am using the “power domes” - I think they really seal off my ear, perhaps causing the “water in ear” feel I get at times…I pull them out a bit and it goes away. I have removed the plastic support wires - I (finally) learned with the Phonak B-Directs that they push the corner of the receiver into my ear and cause pretty considerable discomfort after a day or two (*this has been a right ear issue with every HA) I have tried the smaller open domes but then I have a feedback issues…still, feel like I’m finally getting there - realistic expectations combined with just getting frustratingly worn out…I can say without hesitation I simply do not like wearing HAs, but I have no choice professionally.

I now see why so many retired people end up tossing them in a drawer and giving up…kiddies protect your ears! And if you must, wear HAs to protect your brain health when you get older.

I also have the B-Directs yet, I just gave up on the streaming, but a basic “easy” HA, decent sounding in general, but voice recognition issues are shoving them solidly to last place among these three.

What ever I stick with one feature that is a must have is separate (lt=lower - rt=rasie) volume controls, so I’m stuck with a remote and/or an IPhone app.

I’m only posting this as follow up info to my first post …I’m not really looking for comments, but that said, I’d love to hear form any professionals that can make suggestions that can help me help my hard working audiologist

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I don’t understand why you can’t have direct streaming with either one. Why give up one option for another. I have the audio b-r 90’s… sure do want the direct streaming to my cell phone. But I LOVE the rechargeable batteries. Just put them in the case at night and just stick them in my ears in the morning. No wondering when are the old style 312’s would go dead.

Two different technologies/platforms. The B-Direct has the new SWORD chip with new wizz-bang wireless technology. The Audeo B does not. Look at this post in the Brio 3 thread.

I am exhausted with trying to get this sorted out. I’ve been at this now for at least 7 or 8 months.

I am back to the Phonak B R B90 as the final solution. The Phonak B-Directs where no good for me and a second run with the Unitrons was pointless…HOWEVER - it seems we may have been working with bad info.

At my request my audiologists redid my audio-gram and in just one year I have had (in my mind) significant degradation. (I kicked my first audiologist to the curb - she seemed lazy and combative) So now I question if her test (my first that all my efforts to date has been based on) was done well…I guess I’ll never know.

Most notable was word recognition (Dec '16) Left 96% Right 84% in (Mar '18) Left 68% Right 76%

Low frequency - Considerable drop 15/20% loss at 500 to 30/40%; 35/40% at 1K to 55/60%

After 1,5K things are pretty much the same.

Color me concerned about the results of the March '18 test.

The good thing is now that we have good data the HAs are working much MUCH better. Now they are actually helping and not making me hate them.