I still cannot understand speech properly

Methinks @MDB, you’ll maybe get short shrift for saying @Um_bongo is from England :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy: The Welsh, are particularly fervent, and proud about their language & Culture, they are Celts… The Welsh folks, just like the Scots, and the Irish, they all have an unwritten cultural bond, and are fiercely proud of their collective Celtic heritage… And rightly so :wink:


British Isles any better? (or perhaps worse :>)


Just to clarify, frequency lowering is not just an on or off thing. To truly benefit often requires fine tuning and most audiologists don’t want to mess with it.


@MDB : Yes, and we tried the fine tuning during the two or three months before I asked for it to be turned off. The tweaks didn’t help me, for whatever reason. Turning the feature off did.

Perhaps the last thing we would call ourselves @MDB… We are Scottish, Welsh or Irish, first and foremost, the Britishness part is almost an afterthought… Funny enough, there is a geographical part of England, some of whom don’t regard themselves as English either, namely Cornwall, the Cornish people are also Celts, calling them English, might be regarded by some, as a slight insult, these where all independent Countries/Kingdoms if you go way back, they have different languages, and different cultures, and different traditions… We are kinda overprotective of our Celtic heritage, but then again, we have been around for several millennium… Cheers Kev :grin:


Well I look at my audiogram and my loss is close to identical for both ears, which my audi claims is not that unusual. As far a speech comprehension, aids try to help but they in no way fix. So it might be an area where you always struggle.

So we’re talking cultural, not geographical accuracy?

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Just curious. I assume you pronounce Celtic with the hard “K” sound?’ (Except for the Glasgow football team)

Yeah I somewhat agree @MDB… Especially in the instance of the Cornwallians, I love that area, and the people… If we look back, way back when Rome invaded Britannia, the only place in probably all of Europe that they didn’t conquer was Scotland (The Picts/Picti, known as the painted ones) These Picts/Celts/Scots where so vicious, the Romans built 2 walls to keep them out, Hadrians Wall, 73 miles long, 15 feet high, 10 foot wide, and Antonines Wall, further north, 36.5 miles long, 15 feet wide, 10 feet high, some parts of these walls are still in existence, from nearly 2000 years ago, they stretched from coast to coast, and there whole existence was to protect the Romans from the ferocious Pictish tribes, they lost a whole Legion once when the ventured north of the wall, that’s around 5 or 6 thousand men… Apologies for the history lesson :grin: Yep, Celtic Football Club (My Club, my late father played for them :grin: ) is pronounced with an “S”, Celts is pronounced Kelts… Cheers Kev :wink:


Geography too. This bit: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/E02E/production/_123309375_a33d30e2-cc3d-4c94-99db-b9b1158be4d2.png.webp

Hard C at the start and finish of the word Celtic.

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@hass5744: Thanks for this information, @hass5744 - it’s news to me. I realize every week, here on the Forum, how little about hearing loss I actually know. I’ve read a few good books on hearing - hearing loss - not so much.

I honestly thought it was an almost unheard-of thing for losses to be as perfectly symmetrical as the OPs, and imagined his audiogram had to be due to a clerical error or some other anomaly.


To be honest with you the same thought went through my mind. But when I questioned my audiologist, he wasn’t surprised by the results at all. It’s this kind of stuff that explains why all of us have so much trouble hearing in different situations or with different aids. They’ve got us exactly where they want us.

My grandfather was a proud Cornishman. I never got to meet him, unfortunately.


@Neville: I ett a hen like that, once.

I hope I can help…I’m on this path, but feel that I’ve made real progress.

Someone here recommended a book; I’ve read it and it helped me so much.

Live skillfully with Hearing Loss
Shari Eberts & Gael Hannan

It’s helped me improve my communication skills. I’ve referred it to my audiologist.

Way back the only way I could hear music better was to turn up my stereo. I had chosen my speakers and other equipment very carefully.

So with hearing aids I thought that was all I had to do. It’s not enough!

My hearing loss isn’t as severe as yours; I recommend you find the “speech banana” and it will show you how we sometimes hear some sounds well, but can’t hear others at all.

I learned…
That I have to be extremely careful changing my wax guards. If they’re not in perfectly they block sound. (I wouldn’t buy Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s again because the wax guards are so terrible)
I have to change them often.
I have closed domes; I used to have open domes. I put my fingers in my ears and heard better.This little thing has to be properly chosen or my hearing aids don’t work. I bet your custom moulds work better than my domes.
Microphone slots. I have to clean them
My hearing aids have so many features, long as they are in autosense mode. They have directional mikes! They have sound shifting!
I’ve read text books and watched so many videos.

My thought—The right audiologist makes a huge difference. Mine is extraordinarily patient. He has helped me so much. Yesterday we had a 1-1/2 hour session and he made changes. I’m much happier today than I was. I had him add a program to use when I’m talking to someone who is wearing a mask. I had him incorporate subtle changes in autosense, and it really made a difference.

I care; I hpe that you’ll soon have hearing aids that work, and enjoy how they perform.



No one has noted that the OP said that with the aids voices sounded “staticky.” Doesn’t that mean that there are some frequencies that should not be amplified?

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This can also mean the OP is hearing new sounds the brain hasn’t heard in a while.
Properly tuned aids can do just this.

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I am wondering whether you are wearing your hearing aids all the time. My understanding is that it takes a long time for your brain to get adjusted.
I remember some months ago (maybe more), someone posted that they were having trouble because they stopped wearing their hearing aids during the COVID lockdown. They had to get used to them again.

My experience? I put them in as soon as I get up and take them off at bedtime only. If I am in my pjs for awhile before showering and dressing, I take them off for the shower and then put them in again.

At any rate, see your dispenser or audiologist again. Good luck.


Staticky could mean a loose or faulty wire.

I have an issue with my current hearing aids. It’s wax guards. They are in the receiver in my ear. I find I have to replace them often, or I don’t hear well. They are hard to insert properly. If askew or crooked my hearing aids don’t work well. (My hearing aids are Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s)

I hope his helps…
