I have a goblin in my N8 processor

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to why my N8 just turned itself off, for absolutely no reason at all? It’s happened twice today. All I was doing was reading a book not streaming. Everything just went silent and my nucleus smart app came up with the sign below twice.

I tried turning it back on by using the button but it didn’t work. All that did was the N8 had a solid yellow light showing. So I took my processor of and removed the battery, reconnected it and it was again working.

This is the message that came up on my iphone.

Hi Sheryl.

Have you tried taking the battery off and back on a few times.

I believe the solid green light is saying your battery is fully charged. A bad battery connection is not letting the processor start up.

If this works try carefully cleaning the battery contacts.

@Raudrive I’m confused, I didn’t have a green light. I had no lights until I pressed the button. Then it was a solid yellow light, and I still had a dead processor.

My mistake. I thought it was a solid green light.
The solid yellow light is a bad processor I believe. You might try running it through your dryer.

Good luck with this.

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Seems serious, reaching out to the manufacturer (or agent, ENT/Audi) would be good move.

yikes, you need to send your sound processor back. So sorry to hear this… mine is mostly working fine but it does require a reboot from time to time

My N8 processor developed static and at times snap,crackle, and pop sounds. Called Cochlear today and they are sending a replacement N8. I’ll get it Wednesday.
Also needed to replace a defective coil about a month ago.
Cochlear has been very good about replacing defective equipment under warranty.

I heard back from my aud this morning after I emailed her yesterday.

  1. She wants me to take off my coil and push it on again.
  2. If it happens again she want me to put on a new coil to see if that fixes my problem.
  3. If all of the above fails make an appointment to see my aud. :roll_eyes:

Cochlear have faulty N8’s all around the globe. When are they going to fix all these problems with the N8???


Agree. Call Cochlear tech support. If nothing else, they have a grab bag of great troubleshooting ideas

This thread makes me question the reliabilty of Cochlear brand. But I have no experience with any CI

i think a lot of the issue are firmware related, not the hardware. One. notifiable different is iphone and android devices. I have no issue with Androiid connected to sound processor.

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Maybe turn off your Bluetooth connection on your iphone?

I am going on 3 years with N7 and K2 processors.
The N7 processors have had zero issues using a Google Pixel 3 phone.
I did have a Bluetooth problem with one K2 and Cochlear America had a new one at my door the next day, programmed and ready to use.
New products always seem to have bugs to work out. Cochlear has been great as far as I am concerned.

Did this fix you up?

@Raudrive I did as she requested, and I’ve not had any further issues. Time will tell if it’s the coil.

@eyesgreendeaf I had the N7 for 4.3 years and never had any issues at all. Admittedly I got my N7 two years after it was released. So Cochlear had 2 years to work out all the goblins. N8 has only been in Australia for 5 months. With time they will get rid of all the goblins.